Sowing parsley: How and when to grow the healthy herb step by step on the balcony

Parsley, Petroselinum crispum, the healthy and decorative herb that we always need for cooking. Wouldn't it be nice to always have it on the balcony or windowsill for harvesting? But how exactly do we grow a young plant from seed? When is it best to sow it? Sowing parsley - We have prepared step-by-step instructions for you to make this little project easier for you and wish you a lot of fun and success with growing it at home.

Sowing parsley: When is the right time?

Since parsley is a hardy herb, you can start sowing it outdoors about four to six weeks before the last frost. If the plant is to be grown indoors, you can start sowing any time of the year.

Sow the herb according to the lunar calendar

Some gardeners follow this approach by sowing parsleythe lunar calendar, as they swear that this has positive effects on the growth of the plant and harvest expectations. They recommend sowing the leaf parsley in the following periods:

  • February 19th to March 20th, June 22nd to July 22nd and October 23rd to November 22nd

Since the moon influences the tides, it is also said to affect the fluids within the plant itself, improving growth. It's definitely worth a try!

Growing the herb in the pot: instructions

Once you are clear about the timing, you can get started. Get parsley seeds, preferably from the organic store, suitable potting soil andsmall growing potswith covering. Tip: As an alternative to growing pots, you can also use egg cartons or hollowed-out egg shells yourself.

Step 1

Fill the planters with soil and use a pen to drill a hole about 2 to 3 centimeters deep.

Step 2

Plant about 2 to 3 seeds per hole. You can soak the seeds in water for 24 hours beforehand, but this is not a must. If you prefer, instead of making a hole, you can place the seeds on the flat surface and gently press them into place with your finger.

Step 3

Then close the opening loosely with soil, but do not press it down too hard. Just so that the soil touches the seeds.

Step 4

Mist the soil with water and then cover the container with a lid or felt to keep the soil moist and the seedlings warm.

Step 5

Wait. Now that you have done everything you need to do, what you need to do next is be patient, because parsley seeds take a very long time to germinate, around 14 – 28 days. It may also be that the seeds germinate sporadically. This means that some will germinate a little earlier and others a little later, so don't be discouraged if some sprout faster and others don't yet.

Care of the sprouts

You will initially see a small stem with two leaves that do not yet resemble those of parsley. Each additional leaf then looks like a miniature parsley leaf. Not only do the seeds take a long time to germinate, the young plant also needs a long time to grow. So be patient here too and follow the following tips and you will soon have a strong and bushy plant.


Once the first proper leaves have grown, you can remove the covering. Because then the plants need light and ventilation. If the sprouts are placed by the window, they will grow in the direction of the light. To prevent this and promote even growth, rotate the pots daily. Alternatively, you can use a grow light and provide the young plants with light for 14-16 hours a day. You can use a timer to avoid delaying or forgetting an exposure period.


Young plants like evenly moist soil. So don't let the soil dry out. On the other hand, it is not beneficial if they have too much water and have to stand in water. So water it so that you pour into the ground on the side of the plant and simply pour out the water that has not seeped in after about 20 minutes.


As soon as the first true leaves appear, you should fertilize the plant. The following home remedies are suitable for this:some coffee groundsor black tea. Of course, liquid fertilizer suitable for parsley is also available commercially. For plants that grow in flower pots indoors or on the balcony, it is recommended to fertilize them once a month. Garden parsley should be fertilized once a year.


If you have used eggshells or suitable growing pots, for example made of coconut fiber, you can simply place them in the flower pot or in the garden. Because parsley plants are very sensitive to repotting, you create the least possible stress on the plant. We wish you a lot of joy with your plant and a good and tasty harvest.