Lunar calendar 2017 for the garden – tips for garden care

Even without clear scientific evidence, many gardeners believe that the moon has a major influence on plants and their growth. A garden can be designed according to the current lunar calendar 2017. We will soon reveal the astronomical and physical reasons and requirements for plants to thrive.

Lunar calendar 2017: live in the rhythm of nature

It has not been scientifically proven whether the moon actually influences plant growth. Like any solid body, Earth's only natural satellite has a gravitational pull. This is particularly clear on the sea coast, because it is the cause of the tides. The moon not only attracts sea water at high and low tide, but also has agreat influenceon the tidal difference - at full moon (when the sun, earth and moon are in line with each other) this is strongest (spring tide), while at new moon (when the moon is at a 90 degree angle to the earth and sun, the tidal difference drops significantly weak (neap tide). Many gardeners believe that the moon not only influences large bodies of water, but also small ones, such as plant juices.

Gardening according to the lunar calendar 2017

Depending on which constellation the moon is currently in, so-called fruiting days, root days, flowering days or leaf days are determined. The lunar cycle lasts 27.3 days and is often confused with the phase of the moon. However, this is not a rotation of the moon around the Earth (from new moon to full moon), but rather the constant height in the sky at which the moon moves - from the lowest point in the constellation Sagittarius to the constellation Gemini and back.

ForHouse and garden

Within a month, the moon passes through all the zodiac signs, which, like the phases and positions of the moon, are related to the calendar. Vegetables and herbs can be divided into four groups according to the part of the plant used and three zodiac signs are assigned to each.

Gardening with the Moon – Plant Groups

Leafy plants:Woody plants, lettuces, spinach, cabbage, herbs - plants whose leaves are harvested;Zodiac signs:Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

Fruit plants:Fruits, peas, pumpkin, peppers, tomatoes, beans, broccoli and herbs for seed harvest (dill, coriander);Zodiac signs:Sagittarius, Aries, Leo.

Flowering plants:summer flowers, cauliflower and herbs that are harvested when they are in bloom (savory);Zodiac signs:Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.

Root plants:Tuber vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, beetroot, onions, garlic, herbs whose roots are used (valerian);Zodiac signs:Jungfrau, Steinbock, Stier.


The general rule is that trees, perennials and vegetables are planted and tuber and root vegetables are harvested when the moon is waning. The rising moon is the best time to harvest everything that grows above ground: fruits, leaves and flowers. The waxing and waning moon should not be confused with the rising and falling moon. Here is a brief summary of the most important activities in the garden at the right time.

Lunar calendarwithGarden guide

Since the moon spends different time in the individual constellations, it makes sense to download the current lunar calendar 2017. It should be mentioned that the astrological lunar calendar differs from the astronomical one. Therefore, leaf, flower, fruit and root days can also differ from each other. However, the lunar cycle is always the same, so sowing and harvest days do not differ from each other. You can use whichever one suits you better and experiment to choose which one is better for you.

Tips from breeders based on their experiences:

  • With a red moon and bright stars, thunderstorms are on the way
  • Luminous phenomenon, halo or corona around the moon means rain, and around the sun - big storms.
  • Thunderstorms during the full moon, predict rain
  • Cloudy morning with a waning moon, it promises a beautiful afternoon
  • bright moon and severe cold don't last long together
  • Bright moonlight in April does not harm the flowers
  • A draft from the pole during the new moon brings cool rain