There are some causes that cause mouches volantes or flying mosquitoes to affect the eyes and field of vision. The objects, also described as floaters, appear as small spots that drift through the field of vision. They can stand out when you look at something bright, such as white paper or a blue sky. This condition can sometimes be bothersome, but it usually should not endanger eye health. Here is some useful information and tips that can help you deal with this problem.
Could flying mosquitoes endanger eyes and vision through symptoms?
If you have a large floater, it may cast a slight shadow on your vision. However, this only occurs with certain types of light. You can learn to live with them and ignore them, or notice them less over time. Only rarely do they get so bad that they are caused by oneTreated by an ophthalmologisthave to be. The whole-body clouding that causes such floaters causes so-called flying mosquitoes to move around in the field of vision. However, they tend to scurry away when you try to focus your vision on them.
Furthermore, these microscopic particles appear in many different forms in the field of vision. Examples include black or gray dots, squiggly lines, thread-like strands that can be gnarled and almost transparent, spider webs or rings. Once people get them, they usually don't go away completely, but they usually lessen over time.
Possible causes of eye floaters
Most floaters are small specks of a protein called collagen. They are part of a gel-like substance at the back of the eye called the vitreous humor. As we age, the protein fibers that make up the vitreous shrink into small pieces that clump together. The shadows they cast on the retina can affect the eyes and vision through so-called flying mosquitoes. However, if you see a flash, it is because the vitreous humor has separated from the retina. In the event that the floaters are new, change dramatically, or you suddenly see flashes, you should see an eye doctor as soon as possible.
The changes described above can occur at any age, but usually appear between the ages of 50 and 75. Most people are more likely to have them if they are nearsighted or have had cataract surgery. However, in rare cases, floaters could also result from eye disease, eye injury, diabetic retinopathy, crystal-like deposits that form in the vitreous, or eye tumors. Some of the serious eye diseases associated with whole-body haze include retinal detachment, torn retina, bleeding or inflammation in the vitreous or retina caused by infection or an autoimmune disease.
When flying mosquitoes eye due to impaired vision require a medical examination
DieSymptoms of a migrainecan cause a so-called visual aura, which is similar to floaters. In addition, these symptoms are accompanied by migraine headaches. This might look like what you see when you turn your eye to a kaleidoscope. The aura might even move, but it is different from the eye floaters and flashing lights associated with other eye problems. This usually lasts about 30 minutes or less and may affect vision in both eyes. Then the symptoms resolve completely unless you have another episode.
If only a few flying mosquitoes have affected your eyes and field of vision and do not go away over time, an examination by an ophthalmologist is recommended. See a doctor as soon as possible if, for example, you notice a sudden increase in the number of floaters. Seeing flashes of light, loss of side vision, or changes that occur quickly and worsen over time also require medical evaluation. The appearance of floaters after eye surgery or after eye trauma, as well as eye pain, must also be examined. It is best to choose a doctor who has experience with retinal problems. If you don't get help right away, you could lose your eyesight.
When is medical treatment necessary?
When benign flying mosquitoes affect the eye and field of vision, they almost never require medical treatment. However, if they interfere with your view, you could try removing them from your field of vision yourself. To do this, simply move your eyes - this will shift the liquid. It's best to look up and down. This usually works better than moving your eyes from side to side.
If you have a large number of floaters and are blocking your vision, your eye doctor may suggest a surgery called vitrectomy. Doctors remove the vitreous body and replace it with a saline solution. However, there could be complications such as retinal detachment, torn retina orcataracts occur. The risk is small, but if these problems occur, they can permanently damage your vision.