Sometimes you just wonder which onefor each oneOccasionis appropriate. It shouldn't be too casual so as not to give the wrong impression, but please don't be too provocative or overdressed either. It's precisely for moments like this - especially when things have to be done quickly - that it's a good idea to have a few outfitsin the back of my mindto have readyguaranteed to always fit.With which you are guaranteed not to offend, but are simply noticed for your good sense of style. That's why we havethree lookscollected that are simple but not boring, chic but not stuffy. We now always wear this when we go upPlay it safewant to go:
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As we all know, it worksjust always. The dark tone is probably THE onetimeless classicsabsolutely and lets himself be sentYou can wear it anytime, anywhere, right through to a casual everyday look. A particularly nice combination to get inmonochrome Looksadding some dimension in black is atie belt,which visually emphasizes the waist. As you can see in the look here, we are wearing a loose oneAnzughosefor a slightly longer one(a short dress with this detail also works here) for a well-dressed look. Thehellen immediately loosen up the whole thing and give the outfit something modern and fresh.
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Another “always fits” combination is thiscozy knitted sweatersto the high cutAnzughose.Tone on tone, as can be seen here in beautiful gray, but also as a contrasting look, for example with a white sweater with dark trousers, the whole thing works great. Make sure that the sweater is cut shorter, or tuck it slightly into your pants so that it can be wornBeton sizeand a beautiful silhouette is created. Fit ingreatfor a visually stretched leg and the right outfit for you is readythe meeting with the in-laws or thatChristmas dinner.
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Here are reallytwo absolute classicsunited, because onebluenessand onewhite blouseThey probably all have them in their closets. The simple look has been a hit for ages and convinces us too2024furthermore. Because sometimes it doesn't have to be new or different, we trust in the good old onesBasics,so as not to offend. They are here tooStyling optionsnaturally versatile, so we can loosely tuck a traditionally cut white blouse into trousers and wear it with aBeltemphasize the waist - or go for a modern version and wear it with a blousecertain detaillike bows or ruffles. As well asas well as trendy onesLoaferor classic heels are a good choice here - depending on the occasion.