Plant care for fungal and pest infestation – what to do?

Everything in your garden needs care and protection all year round to thrive. You definitely want your roses to be beautiful and not get mildew, right? Everyone wants red, flawless apples straight from the farmBaumto pick. Here we would like to give you a few tipsPlant carehelp you get healthy plants and a rich harvest in your garden.

Plant care – Black spot disease on Christmas roses

Are there black spots on the Christmas roses?Garten, which spread inwards from the edge of the leaf? Then your flowers need help! This is black spot disease and it is caused by a fungus. Check your Christmas roses regularly for plant careBefalland remove the diseased leaves. It's best to throw them in the organic waste bin. It is also important not to fertilize the Christmas roses too often!

Plant Care – Black spot disease affects roses

Plant white Christmas roses in the garden

Plant care – throw affected leaves into the organic waste bin

Yes, that is absolutely correct! Sick leaves that you notice while caring for the plants must go into the organic waste bin! Not only beetles and many beneficial insects overwinter under the leaves. Fungal spores and other pests can also survive the winter there. So be careful! Fungal diseases or pests on leaves or needles should be completely eliminated in the fall. This is the only way you can protect your garden plants from new infestations.

Various plant diseases

– Rose rust overwinters with black-brown spores on fallen leaves. So, be careful with that!
– The leaf pest Mahonia powdery mildew is dangerous! In this case, diseased shoots should be cut off and removed for plant care.
– The needles that are infected by the pine bushhorn sawfly must be picked off and destroyed immediately.
– The fungal pathogen that causes tar spot disease on maple trees overwinters in fallen leaves. This must be eliminated immediately when caring for the plants!

Whiteflies – Serious plant pests

There are many small pests for our houseplants that you should pay attention to when caring for the plants. These include whiteflies, fungus gnats and other flying pests. The “Hortex Combi sticks”, for example, help against this. You simply put them in the potting soil, the active ingredients then reach the leaves via the roots and thus rid the plant of the pests. It is also fertilized at the same time.

Juniper – A popular plant in the garden

While caring for your plants, have you noticed that your juniper and pears are ailing! Unfortunately, that happens sometimes. In May, the entire pear foliage becomes covered with shiny orange spots. The cause of this is the pear grid. This fungal disease also affects the juniper because the spores survive on it in the winter. The fungus only moves to the pear tree in spring.

Plant care for the pear tree

Plants fungus pear grate on juniper

It affects half of all juniper varieties and almost all pear varieties. The fungus weakens the trees enormously. The typical orange spots of the pear grid on the leaves can be seen and easily recognized from afar. Preventive sprays with approved agents during and after the pear blossom every five days help. But be careful! Once the foliage is infected, it is too late to care for the plants by spraying!