Fight small flies in potting soil – these tips will help

At the beginning of the winter months, penetrating, small, black flies are more common on the window, in flower pots or in the remains of untidy soil. They can become a real nuisance if they spread rapidly among houseplants and populate the apartment. Below we reveal what you can do against flies in potting soil.

Usually the flies see themHouseplants look similar to fruit flies, but they are a type of mosquito, especially fungus gnats. But it can also be fruit flies, must or vinegar flies. It is generally true that all of them develop from larvae. These feed primarily on the potting soil and the roots of a plant. The plant can cope with a small number of insects, which usually leads to an increase in the number of pests and is therefore later perceived as a nuisance.

Unfortunately, the unpleasant insects not only stay in the area of ​​plants, but also reach surfaces such as window sills, tables or floors through flies and can therefore transmit bacteria. It is important to mention that a houseplant can only be infected with larvae if it was left outside for a period of time, for example in the summer, and then brought back inside. AnotherPossibility the annoying onesThe best way to get flies into your home is to purchase potting soil that already contains larvae.

ChemicalAgents drive pestsaway, but are not a good solution for houseplants as they could cause allergies in the residents. However, chemical-free, natural methods can be used to combat it. The fly swatter is primarily used. This is necessary so that the flies cannot lay new eggs in the substrate. The vacuum cleaner is also suitable for this purpose.

Plenty of moist to wet soil and warmth are ideal conditions for the development of fungi, which in turn provide food for the fungus gnats or small flies and subsequently promote their reproduction. For this reason it is also worth paying attention to regular watering. Houseplants generally tolerate drought better than frequent watering. Coasters and planters should not be constantly full of water.

The yellow color attracts the small pests and they sit on the yellow board. This should therefore be coated with a sticky surface so that the flies cannot get rid of it. Yellow stickers or plaques should be left in the houseplant's soil for a few weeks to eliminate the pest.

You don't have to buy ready-made chemical solvents to get rid of the annoying little insects and you can make one yourself using water, juice and regular dishwashing liquid. Mix the ingredients together and place in containers next to houseplants. The sweetness attracts the small insects, but they cannot find a grip on the surface because of the detergent and sink.

An old home remedy that has several possible usesBreeding plantsEvery hobby gardener knows the coffee grounds. This can even be doneFlies in the potting soilfight. Simply distribute a sufficient amount of it regularly on the substrate in the flower pot. Another old but effective method is to stick matches upside down in the potting soil. The swell they contain kills the small flies and their larvae.

In the case of a large fly infestation, the method of closing or 'packing' the plants would make the most sense. The infected potting soil should be covered. For small plants, stockings can be used and placed over the pot. Large flower pots are sealed tightly with fleece or foil that wraps around the flower pot. This can be cut into strips and secured with twine. It is very important to seal the water drainage hole airtight. It should take 4-5 until the plague is completely eliminated. Another option is to sprinkle the surface of the potting soil with bird or quartz sand at least 1 centimeter high. The sand layer should always remain dry. This means blow-drying the surface when watering, but with cold air.

Nematodes are the natural predators of small insects, especially their offspring. They feed on the eggs of the flies and when there are no more eggs left, the nematodes also die. You can get them at hardware stores or garden centers and they are very easy to use. They are mixed with the irrigation water and used to water the plant. They penetrate the larvae in the substrate and kill them.

The last thing you can do against the insects is repotting. This requires careful cleaning of the rootsPlant under running waterrecommended so that the larvae are completely removed. Proper cleaning of flower containers is also essential when repotting. If only one flower is attacked by small flies, it should be isolated from the others to prevent the pest from spreading.