Make your own plant signs – idea for your herb and vegetable garden

There is nothing more confusing than trying to remember the place of every plant in the garden. The plant signs easily solve this problem. Making your own plant signs is inexpensive and easy. There are a range of materials and designs to choose from.

Make your own plant signs - out of old wooden spoons

There are many materials you can choose between. Keep in mind how long you want the planting sign to last – a season or several. The position of the plug labels should also be taken into account. The plant signs for indoor plants are less prone to decay, while the outdoor signs are said to be more robust.

Use wooden stakes or craft sticks to make simple homemade plant signs. They are cheap and easy to find. Write down the plant name with a marker. Other free options include plastic lids that can be cut with a sharp knife.

Make plant tags out of wine corks

Write with felt-tip pens on non-porous and semi-porous materials such as stone and plastic. It will fade over time, especially in direct sunlight and high humidity.

Idea with aluminum lids – picture instructions

Label stones with plant names

You can also paint small stones with pictures. They are attractive and cheap. Choose large, flat stones and write the plant name with marker or paint. A coat of clear varnish will preserve their appearance for several years. The aluminum plant signs are time consuming but will last forever.

Craft ideas for plant signs

A few ideas for beautiful flower arrangementscan be found here.