Fertilizing lawns in summer: Is it allowed and under what conditions? These are our tips!

Can you fertilize lawns in summer? Every hobby gardener knows that fertilizing the plants in the garden is very important, including the ornamental lawn, so that everything can grow splendidly and green. Lawn fertilization is also carried out several times a year, but should you fertilize the lawn in summer when it is hot? We explain under what conditions you can do this gardening work even during the warm season.

Can you fertilize lawns in summer? Not a good idea in the heat!

Although you may after thatFertilize in springApply fertilizer a second and third time in summer. It is actually very important for strengthening and increasing resilience. However, you should choose the right time and, above all, the right weather. Only then can the fertilizer be absorbed by the plants and have an effect. What should you consider when fertilizing your lawn in summer?

When should you fertilize your lawn in summer?

Depending on whether the first fertilizer was applied in March or April, you should now do it either in June or at the beginning of July. In itself, it seems to be more advantageous if you fertilize the lawn in June (and adjust the spring fertilization accordingly), as the weather is usually not quite as hot then and it can rain more often. In any case, the ideal time is before midsummer or, if you missed the time, after the heat phase in August. Because the lawn doesn't grow or hardly grows in between anyway.

Fertilizing your lawn in summer: Choose the right weather!

It's not just the month that plays an important role when you fertilize the lawn in summer. The time of day and the weather must also be taken into account in order to properly fertilize the lawn in summer.

  • Fertilizing your lawn in the sun is absolutely not a good idea.

Insufficient moisture reduces the effectiveness of lawn fertilizer because the nutrients do not penetrate the soil well and cannot decompose. Now you're probably saying to yourself that you can just water the lawn afterwards. Well, theoretically yes. But that doesn't change the fact that the water then evaporates excessively quickly due to sunlight. This usually leads to the nutrients becoming unfavorably concentrated and the roots being damaged.

  • Fertilize the lawn at what temperature?

You know that you should only start fertilizing at a certain temperature (usually from 5 degrees). Well, you don't have to worry about this minimum temperature in summer. But is there a maximum temperature? Theoretically not, as long as the weather is right and it's not too dry. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile not to tolerate temperatures that are too high and not to fertilize the lawn in hot weather.

Conclusion:If you have to fertilize the lawn without rain, wait for at least one cloudy day and then water the area thoroughly. This prevents rapid evaporation and allows the product to dissolve easily. It is also worth applying fertilizer in the evening or early in the morning.

How often to apply fertilizer?

And how often should you fertilize your lawn in summer? As already mentioned, applying fertilizer once or twice is sufficient (at the beginning of summer and/oror late summer), if you use slow-release fertilizer (more on this below). You don't need to take this too seriously, because even if you only fertilize once, that wouldn't immediately mean the end of your ornamental lawn. Just like it wouldn't be fatal to forget to fertilize at the beginning of summer and do it in late summer.

Which lawn fertilizer is best?

Which lawn fertilizer you should choose in summer is the next question. Precisely because the weather can be quite unfavorable, it is always worth using a slow-release fertilizer that can work over a longer period of time, so that you can safely skip the hot summer months without your ornamental lawn lacking anything. This method of fertilizing also prevents so-called shock growth. This is a rapid sprouting of thinner and softer, i.e. weaker, shoots, which is not a good option on a lawn that is often heavily used. Also be sure to choose organic or organo-mineral fertilizer, but avoid mineral ones.

When choosing fertilizer, also take a look at the nutrients it contains:

  • Amore nitrogen-emphasizedFertilizer is ideal for summer fertilization because it stimulates growth and ensures a dense turf, which is known to be important for a healthy lawn.
  • However, if you only fertilize in late summer, i.e. after the heat, use onepotassium-accentuatedAgent as summer fertilizer. This ingredient makes plants more resistant to frost.