New month, new yard work to do. Now that summer is turning into fall, there's a lot to do to keep your garden in tip-top shape. Use the last warmer weeks to prepare him for hibernation but also for the coming season. And don't think that now all you have to do is get rid of the old plants and work the soil. Even some new plants can now be planted and finally without the strenuous summer heat - what a blessing! Refresh the lawn and protect the fruit trees! We summarize everything you need to know about gardening in September.
What can you plant now?
As previously mentioned, now is the best time for some plants to be replanted. And we're not just talking about those that you can admire or use next year, but also those that will bring you a harvest this season. What can you plant in September?
What gardening to do in September – Fresh herbs for your dishes
You probably have one or two herb plants in your garden that won't survive the winter and therefore have to be harvested this season (e.g. someMediterranean herbs). These will be sown again next year. However, varieties can be planted in their place that can also be left outside during the winter. These include:
Plant these herbal plants:
- mugwort
- Currykraut
- Tarragon
- Mint (very invasive and therefore preferred in pots)
- Rosemary
- sage
- chives
- Thymian
- Wormwood
- Lemongrass
- Lemon balm
Sow fast-growing vegetables
You've probably already harvested some of the summer vegetables and now have some space in your beds. If not, then it will be soon (pumpkins, kohlrabi, autumn leeks, for example, ripen this month and harvesting them is another gardening task in September). Don't waste this free space, but use the last few weeks before the big cold to get more fresh vegetables. There are vegetables that are not only...grow quicklyand therefore ripen in time. Some even benefit from the frost and become tastier (e.g. some salads). Which vegetables to plant and sow in September?
- Endivie
- Stake garlic (produces larger bulbs)
- lettuce*
- Radish*
- Spinach*
- Onion sets
- A variety of Asian cabbages are suitable, including pak choi
- Vogerlsalat*
- Winterportulak
*sow at the beginning of September!
Did you knowthat garlic can protect strawberry plants from fungal attack? For this purpose, plant the cloves between the rows in the strawberry bed at the end of the month or beginning of October. Be sure to choose a hardy variety of garlic.
To prepare the ground for the new beds in spring, you canSow green manure. In this way you naturally loosen the soil and also provide it with nutrients.
Gardening in September in the flowerbed
You can now plant clematis, pansies, heather and other autumn bloomers in the beds and lawns can now be sown and, above all, fertilized. Plants that are left outside over the winter should now be cleaned out to avoid fungal diseases. Now remove dead leaves from perennials and roses and also collect any that have fallen to the ground.Perennials in the gardenyou can now mulch.
Biennial flower varietiesyou can transplant this month. Some gardeners take this step to prevent it from spreading too much or to plant self-sown specimens that are disruptive to another location where they fit better. You can also plant bulb flowers now for next year.
Houseplants that have spent the summer outside
When gardening in September, don't forget your houseplants. In principle, every plant should spend as long as possible outdoors. However, each variety tolerates frost and cold differently. That's why you should inquire. African lilies and oleanders, for example, can tolerate temperatures down to minus 5 degrees, while indoor hibiscus or angel trumpets suffer damage as soon as the above-ground parts of the plant freeze. In such cases, a protective fleece can be used overnight.
Your plant has suffered a light frost and you are worried? Allow them to thaw slowly and gently in a dark, cool place. Under no circumstances should you use direct sunlight for this purpose.
Maintain the fruit trees and shrubs
If you're thinking about autumn pruning now - it's not the time yet. Exceptions are early-ripening types of fruit (peaches, apricots), which you can now rejuvenate and thin out.
However, you can take a protective measure. In spring, some fruit trees are attacked by the caterpillars of the so-called frost moth. However, the eggs from which they hatch were already in the soil around the trees the previous year. So before you head back to the leaves, you can take precautions: provide the trunks with so-called glue rings.Danger: If the trees are supported, the supports must also receive glue rings.
With this trick you will not only protect your trees in the coming season. They also prevent a new generation of butterflies, because the female caterpillars cannot (yet) reach the male butterflies.
AnotherGardening in Septemberis the planting of new trees.