It's time again for an exciting craft afternoon with the children! Dinosaurs are a popular topic with our little ones. For this reason, today's article is dedicated to these giants. And since the lantern parade is approaching and autumn ushers in the time of atmospheric candlelight, we're showing you how to do it todaythe monster lanternhow you can make a dinosaur lantern. From a simple paper lantern to a creative lantern with dinosaur silhouettes, you'll find some great ideas below.
The ideas that follow are ideal if you want to make lanterns with children, as they are easy to do. While the first and third variants are perfect for making lanterns in kindergarten, the second is suitable for making lanterns in elementary school because it is a little more complicated. If you are making the silhouette glass lantern with children, an adult should do itPrepare silhouettes, as a cutter is extremely sharp and dangerous and should not be left in the hands of children. Alternatively, the silhouettes can also be cut out by the children themselves using children's scissors if they do not attach great importance to exact lines and details. Let us now show you our ideas with which you can make a dinosaur lantern.
Probably the easiest way to make Saint Martin's lanterns is to use a finished lantern for party decorations. If you make crafts with a finished paper lantern like this, you get the perfect base, which you can then transform into any figures with just a few self-made elements. For example, you can quickly get cool animal lanterns, as we will show you in another article soon. But today it's all about dinosaurs. This is how you can make a lantern with a dinosaur look.
- Lantern in the desired color
- white and colored paper
- Dinosaur body parts template (or freehand drawing)
- Scissors and glue or tape
Make a round lantern – instructions
If you make the dinosaur lantern using a template, you can save even more time and effort. Simply use our print templates for this purpose. You then cut these out and use them to transfer the elements onto the colored paper. If you want, you can add small tabs when cutting out the templates, which you can later fold over and use for gluing. Then you don't need any tape.
Place the lantern in front of you and now glue the prepared dinosaur parts in place - either with the help of glue, if you have added adhesive tabs, or with adhesive tape. If the rounded shape of the Stegosaurus's scale arch does not fit on the lantern, you can cut them out individually and glue them in place instead.
Print the items usingthis PDF fileout of.
Make a dinosaur lantern for the table
You can also make a dinosaur lantern and decorate the table with it. If you want to make a table lantern like this with children, just use itthe empty mason jars, which you probably keep anyway. The glass should be rinsed well with soapy water and completely dry. In addition to mason jars, you will also need:
- Template for silhouettes or ready-made silhouettes to stick on
- Cutter
- black paper
- Acrylic or other craft paints (e.g. for window pictures) and brushes
- Napkin glue for sealing
- Scissors
- LED tea lights
Make a dinosaur lantern – instructions
If you would like to make this dinosaur lantern, first print out the silhouettes and cut them out cleanly using the cutter and on a suitable surface (there are special mats, but wood is also suitable). In addition to the dinosaurs, you also need a background (e.g. a hilly landscape that you can draw freehand and then cut out). Then take a glass and paint it any color inside or outside. If you choose the outside, you can seal the paint with napkin glue after it dries to make it more durable. Now glue the silhouettes in place.
For making St. Martin lanterns out of glass – tip
Do you think this glass lantern is so great that you would like to present it at the lantern parade? This isn't a problem at all because all you have to do is attach wire around your neck for hanging. Make sure this is tied really tightly so that the glass doesn't suddenly slip out, fall to the floor and break. Use an LED candle as this poses a real fire hazard. An artificial candle is also protected from constantly going out due to wind or the shaking of the lantern.
Silhouettes to print
You can find the silhouettesin this PDF filefor printing.
Craft ideas for children and adults with templates
These are also super easyInstructions for quick St. Martin's lanterns.
Paper plate lantern
A dinosaur lantern can also be made very quickly and easilycraft from paper plates. Although you don't see dinosaur motifs in the example, you can also get them with our silhouettes. Of course you can also choose other motifs (in the example a heart) and combine them with a dinosaur. Transfer any motif to the plate. Then cut it out and a piece of colored parchment paper that completely covers the design. Apply glue to the bottom of the plate around the design and adhere the parchment paper. Repeat with three more plates.
Then you still have to “assemble” the tracing paper lantern. To do this, fold the edges up. Then glue the sides together so that you get a square lantern with the four plates. Punch holes in the top corners and tie a knot of twine. Then bundle the four strands and tie them to a longer string to hang the lantern. Use a lantern stick for lighting or tape craft cardboard to the bottom to create a base on which to place an LED candle.
Are you also a big owl fan? ThenMake an owl lantern!