Mowing lawns in the heat: helpful tips on how to do it in sun and dryness!

It is too hot to mow the lawn when the temperature is above 26 ° C, or at a time when you, the person, could suffer a heat stroke. It is best to wait until the heat wave is over. In the following, we will tell you helpful tips on how to mow your lawn when a heat wave is there and is extremely hot outside.

No lawn mowing after watering and in a resting phase

When the weather heats up, you tend to get up first and mow the lawn. However, if the grass has just been watered, you should wait. With wet grass, the probability is greater that it will be cut unevenly. In addition, the clippings get stuck in the lawnmower. Different diseases can spread more easily and the grass tears out more easily when it is wet.

Avoid mowing your green area when the grass has entered a resting phase, for example because of the summer heat. During a heat wave, unless the lawn really has to be cut, you should only cut it briefly, nothing more than ⅓ of the current lawn height.

Your health and mowing in strong heat

Mow the lawn when it is dry to avoid injuries, because a wet green area can be slippery. mowingIn extreme heatHowever, it can lead to dizziness or heat stroke. The body withdraws from the body through strong sweating, so they should drink and take breaks frequently, especially if they mow a large lawn. If it is hot outside and the mowing has to take place in the sun, you should always wear sunscreen.

Mowing the lawn in the heat: judge him before

As in humans, heat can have a negative impact on the lawn. This effect is often shown in the form of resting phases. If your lawn begins to rest in summer, this is probably a sign of heat stress or dryness.

A sign of heat stress or dryness in the lawn is when the blades of grass dry out from top to bottom and the green area assumes a cloudy brown tone. In this case, the grass becomes crispy when entering and leaves a visible trace of footprints. The grass isDue to the hot weatherIn such a bad condition that the stalks break apart when touched. If your lawn rests in summer, it may be too hot to mow it - or at least not necessary.

When you should mow your lawn: in the heat and dryness

As already mentioned, it is best to mow no lawn during a heat wave. If you want to do this anyway, the best time of day for mowing is the evening when the heat of the day is over. The lawn then has time to recover all night, and keeps its moisture when the sun is lost. ThePour in the morningGive the grass the urgently needed water before it exposes the heat of the day again.

What is the best temperature for mowing grass?

The best temperatures for mowing grass are between 10 and 26 degrees. The grass does not grow below this temperature. At higher temperatures, the grass is heated or rested. People should also be careful when mowing the lawn and other gardening, since dehydration and heat stroke can be very real consequences.

Let the grass grow higher in hot weather in summer

It is better to let the grass grow higher in hot weather. A height of 5 to 6 cm is ideal for the lawn. Higher lawn encourages the grasses to root deeper into the ground, where the roots are protected from the heat and can absorb more water. Deep watering is also helpful.

Due to the additional shadow, there is also more moisture in the soil that does not evaporate in the sun. It is also prevented from germinating weeds and competing for water. The useful microbes in the soil are also protected so that you can support your green space.

From what temperature is it too hot to water the lawn?

There is no temperature that is too hot to water the lawn. If he wilts (stems and leaves hang or curl), you should water it, even in the afternoon during a heat wave without any cloud in sight. When the lawn reaches the end of the endwelke, it is dead. Then there is no more rescue.

Some people claim that the drops of water act like magnifying glasses andBurn the blades of grassif you pour the lawn in sunshine. If your lawn withered under the heat, you should definitely water it. Long, less frequent watering is more effective than daily watering, where drops of water remain on the blade of grass.

Apart from withdrawing, it is best to water the lawn in the early morning before the temperatures rise above 24 ° C. So the water has time to pull into the ground and the grass can take strong sips before the heat of the day evaporates the water.

If your lawn has passed to the idle state (the whole green area has become brown), you don't need to pour as much or so often.