How to cut a lawn edge and improve your garden area in spring

There are a few important steps to follow so that you can trim and maintain an unsightly overgrown lawn edge. In fact, to improve your garden area, this task would have to be done every spring. For the very practical, this is simply a place to get from point A to point B. However, the manicured lawn is a masterpiece for lawn lovers, with the edging setting it apart from ordinary lawn grass. In addition, the clean and open garden space can bring several benefits for the whole family and your guests. So here are some practical tips and methods that can help you get this gardening job done

This is how you can cut an easy-care lawn edge

Even if you don't live in a palace like Versailles, the lawn with clean edges can give your garden a royal look. The problem for most garden owners is that their grass doesn't want to cooperate with them and rebels against being defined. If you have a clean edge of your lawn where it's atadjoining a flower bed, your grass will fight you every step of the way by growing root trunks that invade the bed. However, this rebellious behavior shouldn't deter you if you want the best lawn in the area. Put in the work necessary by using some practical methods and trimming your lawn edge.

Before you start gardening

While creating an edge does not improve the health of the lawn, it does have practical benefits. Not only does it prevent rhizomes from invading garden beds, it also works in the other direction: it prevents a bed from entering your lawn. To create an edge between a lawn and a flower bed is the lateSpring for gardeninga perfect time. The soil will have dried out by then, making the soil easier to work with. Once you have dug your vegetable or flower bed, you can apply thatch and create a clean look. If you reverse the process, you will inevitably spill some soil on it. Rhizomes bridge the garden bed and invade sometime in the summer. At this point you will need to remove the root and repair your lawn edge.

First, check any utility lines that may be present where you will be digging. Also put on gardening clothes and initially choose between power and hand tools when it comes to equipment. Additionally, always wear safety glasses and sturdy, closed-toe shoes or boots, and protect your hearing by using earplugs when working with power tools. While there are power tool string trimmers that some may prefer to use for large jobs, you can use a manual tool for a project like this. For manual tools, choose between a spade and a crescent edger. Edge trimming doesn't have to be done for everyoneMowing the lawn in the gardentake place. However, it will be necessary more frequently in the spring and summer when your lawn is growing heavily.

Step-by-step instructions

  • Step 1:Trim the edges of yourlawn in springwith a crescent-shaped edge cutter. For a straight edge, you can trim against a wooden board, while for a curve, you can trim along a rope laid at the edge of the lawn. Alternatively, simply follow the existing curve of the lawn.
  • Step 2:After mowing, trim edges with long-handled edge shears to cut grass that the mower couldn't reach. For a truly professional finish, you can remove the cuttings and throw them into the compost heap.
  • Step 3:For grass that has grown on paths, use a sharp knife to cut the turf and pull away pieces.
  • Step 4:Where the lawn is flush with the path, long-handled grass shears may be more suitable. These are shaped like scissors and allow you to get on the same level as lawns and paths when you want to cut a clean lawn edge.
  • Step 5:However, if you prefer not to maintain the lawn edges regularly, spiked metal may be a good alternative. You can attach this to the ground to maintain the outline of the lawn. This will prevent your grass from growing into the borders.

Follow additional tips when cutting and maintaining a lawn edge

  • If you are using a grass trimmer, you should do this before mowing. Set up a garden area around trees so you don't have to cut so closely and risk damaging the lawn.
  • Also, stay away from sidewalks and concrete when using a power edger. This will make your trimmer last longer and prevent damage to your hard surfaces.
  • If you are cutting a lawn edge, it can be time consuming. It's worth it if you focus on the result instead of rushing the process.
  • Check the direction of rotation. Avoid obscuring your trimming path by ensuring clippings don't end up where you cut. If your trimmer moves counterclockwise, keep the right side close to the edge.
  • While you don't have to mow your lawn every time, the more often you do it, the less time it will take.
  • Depending on where you're working, it may make more sense for you to taper the lawn rather than create a straight edge. For paths, driveways, and other parallel surfaces, hold your trimmer so the cord runs vertically along the edge so you get a sharp, straight edge. Near fences and walls, you should hold the string trimmer at a slight angle to create a more consistent, tapered effect.
  • Mow at the correct height for your lawn type and follow the one-third rule.Remove when mowingonly a third of the grass height to avoid damage and stress to your lawn.
  • Keep blades sharp to avoid ragged cuts that turn brown and promote disease.
  • Wet grass cuts unevenly and the clippings can become matted. Cutting wet grass also encourages the development and spread of disease. Alternate the direction you mow to keep the grass growing upright and prevent soil compaction.
  • Leave small, finely chopped clippings on the lawn where they will decompose and improve the soil.
  • Always read the safety warnings and instructions on the product label before use.