Lawn care in autumn – tips for mowing, fertilizing, scarifying and sowing

Summer is over and the time we can spend in the garden is reduced. However, there is still a lot to do because you have toprepare for the cold winter. Most people know how the beds and trees are cared for. But you shouldn't neglect the lawn in autumn either. Do you have to lime and reseed the lawn? And should you aerate and fertilize the lawn? And when does the last lawn cut actually take place in autumn? We summarize the most important things about “lawn care in autumn” so that you can continue to enjoy a strong, lush green lawn.

Proper lawn care in autumn and winter is important so that your beautiful lawn can recharge its batteries and adapt to the low temperatures. For this reason, lawn care in autumn is simply part of the garden. If leaves are covering your lawn, you shouldThe race harken. Rotting leaves promote mold and fungus growth and also prevent sunlight and air from reaching your lawn. The result is bald spots and spots.

The lawn continues to be mowed and at some point it will be the last time for the season. This also includes lawn fertilization in autumn and ventilation. We explain which lawn fertilizer is preferable in autumn and when you should do all the other tasks.

When was the last time you mowed the lawn?

Until when can you do it?mow the lawnin autumn? In general, the lawn stops growing when the ground temperature reaches 9 degrees. Everything underneath is simply too cold for him. Therefore, you can use this when mowing the lawn for the last time before winter. Of course, the timing can vary from year to year, but it's usually sometime in late fall - so the last time you'll mow your lawn will probably be November.

And there is also something important to consider when caring for your lawn in the fall. The length of the lawn in winter plays an important role in the extent to which the roots will survive the cold. Taller stalks prevent the frost from reaching too deep into the ground, while stalks that are too short have the opposite effect and may cause the roots to freeze. But what is the right lawn height for winter?

Utility turf, the most commonly used type of turf, requires a length of 4 to 5 cm,an ornamental lawnhowever, it can even be 1.5 to 2.5 cm short. The most sensitive are the shade lawns, which should remain 4 to 5 cm high, while a herb lawn has to be 6 to 10 cm long in order to be able to survive the frosty season well.

Autumn fertilization of the lawn

While most plants no longer need fertilizer at a certain point in the year, this is not the case with your lawn. As you know, nitrogen isimportant in spring. But what about lawn care in autumn? When fertilizing the lawn in the fall, use potassium instead. This ensures that your lawn becomes more resistant to the coming cold and frost.

Lawn care in autumn – when to fertilize the lawn?

The dosage and the right time are important. As soon as the lawn stops growing (temperatures below 9 degrees), it can no longer absorb the fertilizer. That's why autumn fertilizer for the lawn is distributed beforehand. Follow the package instructions for the correct amount.

Do you have to lime the lawn in autumn?

Autumn lawn care with lime is not as important as is often claimed, but is only required when necessary (every few years). So you should first check whether your lawn is at allLime needed. If so, it is usually distributed in the spring, but this can also be done in the fall. Choose a day with no wind. The lawn should already be mowed and scarified at this point. The weather should not be sunny either, as exposure to sunlight after liming can cause burns. Instead, a cloudy day is ideal. Then water the lawn generously and avoid walking on it for some time.

Lawn care in autumn – scarifying

Scarifying meansto aerate the lawn. A special machine is used that cuts into the ground so that air can enter. By and large, only a few people carry out such ventilation and if they do, it is in the spring. Scarifying in autumn is therefore rather unusual. But sometimes it is beneficial to include this step in your fall lawn care if necessary.

Over time, a layer of felt may form, which you can remove in this way, and this is best done in the fall. Now you're probably wondering when you should scarify the lawn? Between mid-September and mid-October is the best time. This means he still has enough warm days to recover. Be careful not to cut too deeply and collect the removed felt.

Reseed the lawn in the fall

Have any bare spots appeared over the course of the year that you would like to repair? Now is the perfect time! If youSow lawnin autumn, take advantage of the fact that the ground is still sufficiently warm and there is also enough rain to germinate the seeds. To find out the right amount of seeds for your needs, refer to the instructions on the packaging. However, before sowing the seeds, loosen the soil in the affected areas and remove weeds. Roll the seeds a little. Then it is important to keep the soil moist in these places for at least 4 weeks.