The shapes, colors and scents of roses are undeniably beautiful, but their season can be short. Combining roses with other plants not only brings out the beauty of their flowers, but also ensures that your beds have a much longer season. We have put together a list of the best plants with which you can plant roses.
Growing plants next to roses isn't just for aesthetics, although it's always nice to have other flowers blooming in your roses' off-season. However, roses require direct sunlight and well-drained soil. So make sure you choose plants that meet these conditions.
What should you pay attention to?
Roses don't like too much competition and it is recommended to surround them with plants that are not too aggressive and invasive as they can overwhelm your roses.
Rose companions should be planted at least 30cm away from your roses so that their roots are not disturbed.
Ensure good air circulation around your plants to prevent pest infestations and diseases. If you care for your roses properly, you can surround them with many interesting companions.
Plant lavender as a rose companion
Lavender and roses are a classic pair that are often planted close together. The short purple tips of lavender are a wonderful balance to the tall stems and cup-shaped flowers of roses.
Both thrive under the same conditions. Some types of roses, such as shrub roses, love well-drained soil, just like lavender. The full sun that gives lavender its fervor is also preferred by some rose varieties.
Lady's mantle is a suitable ground cover
Lady's mantle is the perfect perennial to plant under roses. It is relatively low and makes a great ground cover with its small yellow flowers. Additionally, it makes an interesting bedding plant and a good choice if you are looking for an easy rose companion to hide the stems of your tall roses.
Combine the catnip with roses
Catnip is a classic among roses. The lush blue blooms engulf the rose petals and obscure their stems. Cut your catnip after it has bloomed and it will bloom again and again.
Underplant roses with delphiniums
The delphinium can bloom in the cool days of spring. If you're impatiently waiting for your roses to start, you can console yourself with tender delphiniums until the roses catch up.
The foxglove goes great with roses
Tall plants also go well with roses, especially foxgloves. Planted together they make a striking pair and they make interesting flower beds.
The tubular flowers of foxglove bloom in late summer and can be pink, purple, white and even yellow, a variety of colors that complement any rose.
The foxglove is thrivingboth in the shadeas well as in full sun and can be combined with any type of rose.
Verbena is suitable as a rose companion
Many sun-loving annuals such as verbena keep well throughout the summer and fill the space between roses beautifully.
It has modest water requirements and benefits from the heavy fertilizing the roses require.
Use stone herbs to underplant roses
The stone herbs grow low and form a beautiful carpet of delicately colored flowers. They look very beautiful in combination with roses.
Stone herbs prefer nutrient-rich soil with good drainage. They do not like full sun and are a wonderful choice for rose bushes planted in shadier locations. They smell similar to honey and, when combined with roses, make the air in the garden irresistible.
Geraniums as ground cover under roses
Roses look good when planted under geraniums. These low-growing plants thrive and create a living mulch that protects the rose roots and complements the flowers with their white, pink and blue tones.
Combine sage with roses
The sage blooms for a long time and its pointed shapes provide a contrasting structure. It is a great rose companion. Salvias also attract a large number of beneficial insects and are said to help fight mildewand black spot diseasesto keep in check. They are among the most reliable and adaptable garden plants. They begin to bloom shortly before the roses and last for weeks. Make sure you cut off the flowers so they keep getting new ones.
Snapdragons as rose companions
Snapdragons are a popular plant in spring. Their long, trunk-shaped flowers contrast well with the shapes of the roses. They fill the gaps and create an irresistible display of flowers in almost all colors.
To ensure the magical sight, the snapdragons should receive plenty of sun.
Plant roses with velvet flowers
The velvet flowers are the ultimate companion plant. They look very good with roses, they have similar needs and also attract some beneficial insects. They strengthen the growth of roses and their yellow, orange and gold hues bring life to the rose beds and beautify your garden.
The velvet flowers are easy to care for, they love full sun and should only be watered once a week.