Roses are among the most popular garden plants in the home garden. To ensure that the queen of flowers survives the winter without any problems, proper care in autumn is crucial. We explain what garden work needs to be done and give useful tips about caring for roses in autumn.
Rose care in autumn: cutting or waiting until spring?
For now: Roses can and are cut both in autumn and in spring. However, the flowers are cut back heavily in spring. In the fall, however, they are simply cut into the desired shape. Cutting too hard could cause frost damage and, in the worst case, the entire plant could die.
How far do you prune roses in fall?
- Shoots that are too long are shortened a little. Only 8 cm is cut off from the tips.
- Dead or diseased shoots are removed.
- In the case of shrub roses, shoots that grow inwards are also removed. Always try to do thatTo light Rose like thisthat all shoots and leaves can be well ventilated.
- You can also cut off faded or even buds from mid-September.
- Varieties that only bloom once a year are usually considered particularly hardy. They therefore tolerate thinning or topiary cutting in autumn.
Transplant old roses in autumn
If your roses no longer feel comfortable in their old location, then early autumn is the right time to transplant them. You can also plant new roses, there is still time until November when the permanent frost sets in. The new potted plants can be planted out by mid-October at the latest and then still have time to recover and adapt to the new location.
Our tip:The grafting point on the shoots should be at least 3 mm deep in the soil.
Spray roses against pests
In autumn the following applies: Check the rose bushes for signs of an attack and, if necessary, spray them again vigorously with a protective agent. You should also take a similar approach to fungal diseases and fight the germs. Controlling pests and diseases is particularly important in the fall. Roses are often attacked by fungi. Then only one thing helps: cut off the diseased plant parts and dispose of them with household waste. Spray the crop with fungicides.
Prepare the bed for winter
The garden soil also needs to be prepared for the coming winter. To do this, first remove weeds and then lay down a 5 mm layer of mulch. It is best to use bark mulch or, even better, spruce brush for this purpose. The mulch layer fulfills two functions: On the one hand, it protects the roots from frost, on the other hand, it suppresses the growth of weeds and therefore prevents root competition.
Find suitable winter protection depending on the type of rose
Good preparation for the coming winter includes various protective measures depending on the variety. Some types of roses need to be shortened, others need frost protection. And there are also those where the above-ground parts of the plant also have to be wrapped with foil.
Making shrub roses winter-proof: fleece as frost protection
The underground parts of the plant are protected from frost by the layer of soil and mulch. However, the above-ground parts of the plant must first be protected from frost, snow, rain and strong wind with a covering.
Use jute or special transparent, air-permeable fleece to make the plants winter-proof. Use jute tape to secure the winter protection at the bottom of the main shoot.
Bush roses: Additional layer of soil protects the root system
Bush roses need additional frost protection for the roots. A 10 cm thick layer of soil and then 5 cm of mulch can keep the sensitive root system warm.
Wrap potted roses with fleece
The potted plants are particularly sensitive. Since the volume of soil in the pot is significantly smaller than in the bed, even otherwise hardy varieties can freeze. Therefore, both the bucket and the rose itself are wrapped in fleece. Place the pot near a house wall - it offers wind protection and provides warmth in winter. Place a thick layer of coniferous twigs on the soil and place the pot on a Styrofoam plate.
Standard roses also need winter protection
Stem roses in pots are brought into winter quarters in autumn. In the garden, the rose can only survive the cold season if it is placed on a Styrofoam plate and wrapped with fleece. The crown needs it toospecial winter protection. You should also place them in a place in the garden that is protected from the wind.
Rose care in autumn: watering and fertilizing
Watering: Never let the soil dry out
An important part of fall care is watering and fertilizing the roses. When it comes to watering, you should only water the roses as needed. If there is permanent frost, you can temporarily stop watering. Otherwise, let the soil dry out, do a finger test and only then water the plants.
Stop fertilizing in the fall
As a rule, all fertilization is stopped in autumn. The roses will either not absorb the nutrients or, if the fall is warm, will sprout again. However, young shoots are not frost-resistant and freeze very quickly.
The nutrients in the soil can also encourage weed growth.