Pests on hydrangeas with pictures: The annoying black weevil
This beetle is a rather annoying pest in the garden, causing more damageits larvaearrange. How to act in the event of an infestation:
How to recognize beetles and larvae:
- brownish beetle
- approx. 1 cm tall
- can't fly
- appears at night
- Larvae live underground and are not visible
- The black weevil larva is 8 to 10 mm in size
What the pests do:
- If the leaves of the hydrangea are eaten (or their edges), it is this pest
- Beetle less harmful because it is not too voracious
- Larvae live in the soil and eat the roots, which is fatal for the hydrangea
How to deal with them:
You can catch beetles. For that
- Place wood shavings in small flower pots and place them under the bushor
- Place damp wooden boards under the hydrangea
The beetles hide in these traps after their nightly patrol. Then you can easily collect them.
- Larvae are very well protected in the soil. The only thing that helps here is nematodes that penetrate the soil and attack and kill the larvae.