Diastolic hypertension: Recognize causes and symptoms when low blood pressure becomes too high

When it comes to diastolic hypertension, the so-called “lower” blood pressure value is increased. It is important to know the symptoms and the cause in order to minimize any health risks. Additionally, there are some lifestyle changes and dietary changes that can make this condition milder. In this article you will find important information and possible therapies that can help you deal with such a health problem.

What systolic and diastolic hypertension means and how they progress

When examining blood pressure values, there are two of them. The first or “top” is a systolic blood pressure, while the second or“lower” around diastolic blood pressuregoes. Knowing both is important and can sometimes save lives. When the heart beats, it pumps blood through the arteries to the rest of the body. This force creates pressure on the blood vessels, which makes up systolic blood pressure. The normal value is said to be below 120, and above 120-129 is considered high blood pressure. The first stage of hypertension starts at 130-139, with stage 2 hypertension being over 140 or more. In a hypertensive crisis the values ​​have risen above 180.

The diastolic reading, if the blood pressure is too high, is called diastolic hypertension. The bottom number is the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats. This is the time when the heart fills with blood and receives oxygen. The diastolic blood pressure number is below 80 in normal conditions. If diastolic hypertension is stage 1, the numbers are 80-89, and in stage 2 it is 90 or more. In a hypertensive crisis of the lower values ​​the number is 120 or more. Even if your diastolic number is normal (below 80), you may have elevated blood pressure if the systolic number is 120-129.

Symptoms of diastole and their relief

High blood pressure is often called the silent killer because people with high blood pressure often have no symptoms. Many people discover that they have high blood pressure during a routine physical exam at the doctor's office. Symptoms of high blood pressure often only appear once the condition has become severe. They can include headaches, shortness of breath and nosebleeds. If you have normal blood pressure, your blood pressure is below 120/80. It's best to stick to an active lifestyle and a healthy diet to maintain this level. Is your blood pressure above the normal range, both in the systolic and diastolic ranges? Your doctor will want to have more than one blood pressure measurement before diagnosing high blood pressure.

Treatments include lifestyle changes and, if these are not enough, possibly medication. There are many things you can do to lower your overall blood pressure before taking blood pressure medication. However, if you only have high diastolic blood pressure, you cannot target it alone. You must work closely with your doctor to combat diastolic hypertension without allowing blood pressure to fall below 60 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). A diastolic blood pressure that is too low can lead to heart damage and increase the risk of heart disease. Read on to learn some of the many ways you can lower your blood pressure.

Eat heart-healthy foods

Foods that are an essential part of a heart-healthy diet include vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and carrots. When it comes to fruits, apples, oranges and bananas are recommended. Fish, and especially those types of fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can also counteract high blood pressure. In addition, lean beef or pork is a better alternative to fatty protein sources such as bacon, etc. Also try eating chicken or turkey without the skin. Eggs and fat-free or low-fat dairy products such as cheese and yogurt are also recommended for high blood pressure. When it comes to grains, whole grains such as brown rice and whole wheat bread, as well as nuts and beans are better food sources for diastolic hypertension.

Make lifestyle changes for diastolic hypertension

Limit saturated and trans fats. Try not to eat foods that are high in saturated or trans fats. Examples include fast food and frozen foods. Instead, try focusing on eating healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, found in things like avocados, olive or canola oil, and nuts. Also reduce your consumption of sodium (salt) in your diet. It can increase blood pressure, so limit your intake to 1,500 milligrams or less per day. Eat more potassium as it can actually counteract high blood pressure. Try increasing your consumption of potassium-rich foods like bananas, spinach and tomatoes.

Skip the caffeine as it is a stimulant that can increase blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, try to limit your coffee consumption, especially before activities that can increase blood pressure, such as exercise. Also reduce alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption has a negative effect on blood vessels and increases blood pressure, which is why you should drink it in moderation if you have high blood pressure. That means two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. Additionally, foods with added sugar can add calories to your diet that you don't need. Avoid sweetened drinks that contain sugar or sweeteners, such as soft drinks, cakes and candies.

Possible dietary changes and exercises

Switch to dark chocolate, which can slightly lower blood pressure. Therefore, if you normally eat a lot of chocolate, you should choose dark chocolate over other varieties and make sure that it contains at least 70 percent cocoa. Also try the DASH nutrition plan. Such dietary changes can help you practice a heart-healthy diet. TheFollowing the DASH dietaccordingly helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Also, be sure to check food labels. Sometimes you can consume products with too many calories, sodium or fat without knowing it. You can avoid this by reading food labels carefully and noting things like calories per serving, sodium, and fat content.

Losing a little weight can also go a long way in lowering blood pressure and preventing diastolic hypertension. In fact, you can lower your blood pressure by about 1 mmHg for every pound you lose. A larger waist may put you at higher risk of heart disease. To reduce their risk, men should generally aim to keep their waistline under 1 meter. Women should try less than 90cm. Aerobic activities and exercises can not only help you lose weight but also lower your blood pressure. So aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days of the week.

Examples of active and healthy lifestyles

Walking, running or jogging for at least 30 minutes a day can significantly improve blood pressure levels. Sports activities that help with this also include cycling and swimming. Furthermore, you should try to reduce stress as it is another thing that can increase your blood pressure. Try to avoid things that cause stress. Practicing activities like meditation or deep breathing can also help reduce stress. If you are also a smoker, you should quit. The nicotine in cigarettes is a stimulant that can increase your blood pressure. It can also cause injury to the walls of your blood vessels. Quitting smoking is not only good for your overall health, but it can also help lower your blood pressure.

Also try supplements. Although more research may be needed, some studies show that these may help lower blood pressure. Taking probiotics regularly is also very important. These are beneficial bacteria that stimulate your digestion. You can even try acupuncture too. Traditional Chinese acupuncture can help lower blood pressure. However, this effect may disappear after you stop acupuncture treatment.

Monitoring your blood pressure at home not only helps you know if your treatment is working, but can also alert you if your high blood pressure worsens. Your doctor may prescribe medication to lower your blood pressure. Common blood pressure medications include diuretics, ACE inhibitors, alpha blockers, angiotensin II receptor blockers, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, central agonists, vasodilators, and combination medications.