Fertilize olive trees: This is how you strengthen the exotic tree after winter

Has your favorite exotic animal dropped all of its leaves after the winter? Then now is the right time to fertilize it. We explain which home remedies strengthen the Mediterranean trees again.

The olive tree has lost all its leaves? These fertilizers help

The olive tree is traditionally first cut after the end of the dormant phase and then fertilized. A clear sign that the exotic needs nutrients is the loss of leaves after winter. Traditionally it changes its leaves at the start of the gardening season in spring. However, if it has already shed all of the old leaves and has not formed any new ones, then this could be due to a nutrient deficiency. Luckily, this can be fixed quickly.

Due to the small volume of soil, potted plants in particular are very sensitive to changes in the composition of the soil. Nutrients are gradually washed away from the soil through watering. This can lead to certain defects that can only be remedied with regular fertilization.

  • Nitrogen deficiency occurs when the plant is overgrown and the substrate has not been changed for a long time. It is mainly noticeable through yellow leaves and can be remedied with small doses of coffee grounds.
  • Are the leaves velvety?Branches dried up, then the tree is probably lacking potassium. In this case, it helps if you incorporate compost into the soil.
  • If only the tips of the leaves turn yellow, then it could be due to the pH value of the soil being too low.

Fertilize the olive tree: The potted plant will recover quickly with coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are good for olive trees in pots. it supplies the potted plant with important nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. In combination with a thin layer of pine needles, you can not only strengthen the tree, but also lower the pH value of the soil. However, this is only recommended if you have used garden soil with a high pH value for planting. Conventional potting soil has a pH of 6.5 - which is perfect for the olive tree. If you have bought substrate from the garden center, then you should fertilize the tree very sparingly with coffee grounds.

How often and how much to fertilize? Every two to three weeks at the start of the growth phase (around the end of March - beginning of April the olive tree comes out of winter dormancy)

Fertilizer made from ground seaweed and Epsom salt strengthens the roots

Epsom salt is made of magnesium sulfate – an important nutrient for the olive tree. The seaweed improves the soil and complements the Epsom salt well. It also provides food for soil life and promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the soil. The natural fertilizer has another effect - it loosens the potting soil, allowing the roots to absorb water better.

How often and how much to fertilize? The ground seaweed and Epsom salt fertilizer is applied once a year, usually in March or early April. In rare cases, a second fertilization is necessary at the beginning of summer. The amount should not exceed 20 g of Epsom salt and 10 g of seaweed per square meter. The two ingredients are added to 4 liters of water. The solution can be administered as a liquid fertilizer or filled into a bottle and sprayed on the leaves.

Nitrogen-rich fertilizers for the olive tree: compost

The olive tree will benefit from small but regular doses of compost. In addition, you can mix compost and potting soil in a 1 to 2 ratio when repotting. Compost is a natural alternative to slow-release fertilizers because the nutrients are released into the soil over longer periods.

When and how often to fertilize? When repotting, at the start of the gardening season and then once every 2 months, work a handful of compost into the substrate.

Fertilize olive tree: NPK fertilizers

You can also provide the olive tree with NPK fertilizer from the garden center. AsFertilizers prove to be optimalwith NPK 16-16-16. The olive tree is a heavy feeder and has special demands on the soil, so you can't just use any fertilizer.

When and how often should you fertilize? At the start of the gardening season in March every two weeks, in summer – every week.

The olive tree is one of the most beautiful Mediterranean plants. In winter it decorates the living room, in summer it moves onto the balcony or into the garden and brings a Mediterranean flair. However, in order for the tree to grow splendidly, the supply of nutrients is crucial. As a heavy feeder, it requires humus-rich, loose, permeable soil. Otherwise, its leaves turn yellow and fall off. Especially at the start of the gardening season in May, you should provide it with enough micro and macronutrients so that it produces plenty of leaves.