The Ice Saints are over and you can now plant your early vegetables in the garden. My cucumber plants will be next week and I'm now thinking about where the right location is. Since I don't have that much space available, I'm trying to plant a mixed crop this year too. The principle behind it is simple - you put plants that support each other in growth together in the bed. The suitable plants are called good neighbors and they can be planted together. For cucumbers, for example, these include peas, corn, French beans, lettuce and onions. But what are bad neighbors for cucumbers? That's what today's article is about.
Cucumbers are heavy feeders and as such they need a lot of nutrients to grow and bear fruit. For this reason they should never be planted with other heavy feeders. Why? Because the plants will compete for nutrients, so in the end no one gets enough. You can find a detailed list of heavy eatersin this post. So all of the plants on this list are not good neighbors for cucumbers.
Also interesting:Good neighbors for cucumbers in the greenhouse: choose the right planting partners!
These plants should not be next to cucumbers
If you want to grow cucumbers as a mixed crop, you should pay attention to the right planting partners and avoid the wrong ones. The following cultures do not belong together in the bed.
Potatoes are not a good choice for intercropping
Both on cucumbers and on most other garden plantspotatoeson the list of bad companion plants. If potatoes are placed on the same bed as cucumbers, the harvest will be small and stunted. Both plants harm each other in that the potato deprives the cucumber of important nutrients and the cucumber promotes potato blight, which can destroy entire potato crops.
Do not plant cucurbits next to cucumbers
cucumbers andZucchinihave similar needs, which is why you might think they would be a good match. But you're wrong, because the competition between both plants for nutrients, water and light can lead to the growth and fruit yield of both crops being affected. Another problem comes with the diseases and pests that affect both plants. The pests that like to snack on cucumber plants also snack on zucchini. And with a mixed culture it will be difficult to get rid of them. Fits for the same reasonpumpkinnot next to cucumbers.
Radishes and radishes are bad neighbors
The fast growing onesradishand theradishare susceptible to the same pests and diseases as cucumber plants. If they are placed together in the bed, the risk of an infestation is significantly greater. Therefore, these cultures are considered bad neighbors for cucumbers.
Do not plant Jerusalem artichokes next to cucumbers
Plants likeJerusalem artichoke, which spread their roots far underground, are not good neighbors for the shallow-rooted cucumbers. Direct competition arises between both cultures, which leads to unhealthy growth.
Aromatic herbs inhibit cucumber growth
Herbs are a real asset to the garden, but some of them should not be planted next to cucumbers.Basilfor example, is an absolute no-no next to cucumber plants. Instead, plant basil near tomatoes - this should improve the flavor of the tomatoes.
Someherbs likelovageandsagecould inhibit the growth of cucumber plants and are therefore considered bad neighbors in the bed.
Diemintis also not a good planting partner as it grows rampant and can suffocate nearby plants. Almost all mint varieties are overly aggressive in garden beds and can encroach on cucumber space and deprive them of nutrients.
Are tomatoes bad neighbors for cucumbers?
As far as science goes, you shouldTomatoesand never plant cucumbers together. The two heavy feeders compete for nutrients and are therefore unable to develop their full growth potential. Furthermore, both crops are susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew. Nevertheless, many hobby gardeners swear that their tomato and cucumber plants thrive together without any problems. This is possible if you fertilize the vegetable patch generously and plant the plants at a certain distance from each other. However, if you are struggling with mildew in the garden, then you should avoid this combination.
Also read:Which plants are bad neighbors for tomatoes?