Fast-growing privacy screen in a pot: How to shield your garden and terrace!

Spring is approaching and we are spending more and more time outdoors. Privacy protection plays a crucial role so that you can enjoy your little green oasis. Of course you can invest in a high fence, but if you have a green thumb you can opt for privacy plants. A fast-growing privacy screen in a pot offers flexible solutions for patios and outdoor seating.

Fast-growing privacy screen: espaliered fruit in a pot

Espalier fruit doesn't just thrive on the house wall: many types of fruit also bear plenty of fruit on free-standing espaliers and can be planted in pots. These include, for example, various apple tree varieties that impress with their dense growth and protect them from prying eyes. But plums and figs can also shield the seating area in the garden because they also form densely branched crowns. In contrast to hedge bushes and other trees, espaliered fruit can be placed directly on the adjacent property.

In additionoffers espaliered fruitthe advantage that you can also enjoy the delicious fruits. In principle, the espalier trees receive more sunlight and therefore bear sweeter fruit. Most types of fruit are true sun worshipers, so sunny places in the garden are ideal. At the same time, the trees cast shadows on the seating area.

However, espaliered fruit also has several disadvantages: thefast growing treesattract insects such as bees or wasps that you actually want to keep away from the outdoor dining area. In addition, you have to expect significantly more effort to grow the trees. The potted plants are also more susceptible to pests and diseases.

These evergreen plants grow quickly in containers

The red-leaved loquat is a fast-growing plant. In the first few years it mainly increases in height, then its crown becomes more and more expansive. Plants that have already been grown are sold as privacy screens in garden centers. They can thrive in a pot for 2 to 3 years, but then either have to be moved into the garden or repotted. The most common varieties are evergreen. “Dicker Toni”, which is a real eye-catcher with its red leaves, is particularly suitable for keeping in containers. At the same time, it grows to an average height of 1.5 meters and has an opaque but compact growth.

The classic in this area is the Portuguese cherry laurel. The plant is significantly more compact than the common cherry laurel and therefore forms a narrow hedge that is perfect for small gardens.

The Bergilex is a very adaptable plant that attracts attention all year round with its beautiful green foliage. It grows to a maximum height of 80 cm and is perfect for the front garden. It has no special demands on the soil or location, has no thorns and thrives best in partial shade.

The advantages of evergreen plants are clear: they are hardy, have a bushy growth, offer privacy all year round and are easy to cut. The disadvantages of hedge plants include that they can spread quickly, that some plants are poisonous to people and animals and that they are not bee-friendly.

Fast-growing privacy screen: small-format shrub for the container garden

The garden hibiscus is another potted plant that provides privacy. The shrub has beautiful flowers and is therefore a real eye-catcher. You can group several plants together to form an opaque “hedge”. In this way, different areas of the terrace can be shielded.

A fast growing onePrivacy protection in the bucketis perfect for small patios or gardens in densely built-up areas. You can move the plants back and forth as desired and add new specimens. At the same time, the potted plants are in no way inferior to the garden shrubs. However, they need more care. Regular fertilization, timely control of pests and plenty of water are simply part of it. The advantage, however, is that you can change the condition of the soil in the bucket as desired and needed. By the way, all of the plants listed are also perfect as privacy screens for the balcony. In this case, it should be in full sun so that they get enough direct sunlight.

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