A common privacy protection option for the terrace that is natural is to plant taller containers with grasses, hedge plants and other tall-growing specimens. But if you don't want to fill up the little space with pots, you should consider replanting the terraces. What kind of plants can you use as privacy screens on the terrace?
Of course, walls and privacy fences are also suitable for screening. However, many people prefer to have nature in front of their eyes and therefore choose living plants that ideally grow quickly and are easy to care for.
Plants as privacy screens on the terrace – this is how they will fulfill their purpose
In order for the selected plant species to really fulfill their purpose, they should have a few certain properties:
- a sufficient height of growth
- sufficiently dense foliage
- rapid growth in short-lived species
- Site conditions that suit the location of the terrace
- Plant species that tolerate cutting can be shaped as you wish and trimmed to any height
Hedge plants as a terrace border
Not only perfect for the property boundary, but also if you want to use plants as privacy screens on the terrace: hedge plants come in many shapes and colors and are unbeatable in terms of their protective function.
- Privet (Common privet)
Would you like plants for your privacy screen that are fast-growing and hardy? The privet is perhaps the most important here. The hedge grows up to 3 meters high, but can also be kept shorter. Added to this is its undemanding nature: the location can be chosen anywhere because the plant feels at home anywhere. You only need to prune every two years. If necessary, you can also use the scissors in between. ThePlant also protects in winter.
- Thuja
Also a classic privacy plant that is also quite inexpensive to purchase. It also grows quickly and protects you from annoying looks even in winter. But the correct form is also important.Thuja plants are cut in a cone shape, so that sufficient light can also reach the lower areas. Otherwise, sooner or later they will go bald.
- boxwood (Boxwood) – very slow growing; up to 2 meters high; regular cuts necessary; susceptible to fungi and pests
- umbrella bamboo (Fargesia murielae) – definitely with a rhizome barrier; evergreen, robust; also soundproof
- cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) – sometimes suffers damage from the winter, but this can be repaired by cutting
- yew (Taxus baccata) – slow growing; needles and berries poisonous; also copes with lack of light
- hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) – up to 4 meters high; not evergreen, but relatively wintergreen; not suitable for people with birch allergies
Climbing plants as privacy screens on the terrace
With a trellis you can also use climbing plants as a privacy screen on the terrace. From perennials to annualsfast-growing varietiesYou have the opportunity not only to ensure privacy, but also to sometimes bring flowers onto the terrace.
- ivy (Ivy helix)
Ivy grows robust, fast-growing and extremely opaque. Even after frost damage during colder winters, it recovers quickly to reliably shield people from view next season. It can be kept under control and prevented from spreading undesirably by making cuts.
- Blauregen (Wisteria sinensis) and golden shower (Laburnum)
Is there anyone who isn't speechless when they see the gorgeous, drooping flower clusters in yellow or purple somewhere? We particularly like the wisteria, but it can also be perfectly combined with the laburnum to create interesting color contrasts. The beauties can also function as a shrub without a trellis as they form a stable trunk over time. Until then, they need at least some support. Pruning twice a year is important to keep the plant under control.
- Waldrebe (Clematis)
The clematis, on the other hand, definitely needs climbing aid and then thanks it with strong growth and lush flowers. This beautiful plant is highly recommended for creating a blooming privacy wall! Depending on how much experience you have with gardening and how much time you can invest in care, you also choose the variety. There are enough clematis,that are easy to care for.
- Vines
- Thunbergia
- Bean plants
Tall shrubs for the terrace border
A blooming privacy screen without restrictive climbing aid? This is possible with flowering shrubs!
- Rhododendron (Rhododendron)
As long as you haven't chosen a dwarf variety, this shrub can grow between three and four meters high and therefore perfectly shield whatever bothers you. It is also practical that it can be formed into a tree if you cut the trunk accordingly. Either way, you should keep in mind that the rhododendron grows quite wide. Make sure you leave enough space for everything!
- Hibiscus (Hibiscus) plants as a privacy screen on the terrace
Blooming, easy to care for, tolerates cutting and grows quickly: all of this makes the marshmallow a perfect privacy plant that you can plant around the terrace, not just individually or as solitary plants, but also in the form of a hedge. The many aphids that collect every spring are a bit annoying, but they are also quite manageableget rid of it quickly.
- Hortensie (Hydrangea)
- Rosen
- Berries
- scented flower (Osmanthus)
- Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica)
- lilac (Common syringe)
Ornamental grasses around the seating area
Particularly in modern garden design, it is common toOrnamental grasses as privacy screensto plant garden. But of course this is also possible with any other garden style if you like it.
- horsetail (Japanese horse)
- Elephant grass (Miscanthusxgiganteus)
- Miscanthus (Miscanthus)
Privacy protection ideas for potscan be found here.