Cutting blackcurrants: use the right cutting methods at the best time!

You should cut currants regularly so that they grow healthily and produce a rich harvest. When cutting black currants, you need to take some special features into account. This article will tell you how to prune new and established plants correctly and when the right time is to prune.

When to cut blackcurrants

When do you cut blackcurrants? Pruning is best done when the plant is dormant, but can also be done after fruit formation in late summer or early fall. The best time for cutting is between November and March, but the optimal oneTiming for pruningof a currant bush is in December. Then the plant is in the dormant phase. Note that you need to prune when the risk of severe frost (below -10°C) has passed.

Can you cut blackcurrants in summer?

You can also remove the old growth immediately after harvest, in late summer. Then tie the new growth to wires or poles. This will make later pruning work and the proper growth of the plant easier. Wait for the plant to bear fruit. Then you can clearly see which shoots need to be cut.

How to prune new shrubs

As a rule, blackcurrants only produce a few fruits on annual wood. After planting, cut all stems back to about 1 inch (2.5 cm). This encourages bushy growth at the base in the first year, forming a solid foundation. In the first year after planting, you must cut back all shoots except for one bud above the ground. After cutting, spread some fertilizer and mulch to prevent the top layer of soil from drying out in summer. Blackcurrants are one of the few soft fruit bushes that like moist soil. The soil should not be too wet, but should be evenly moist.

Cut established blackcurrants

If these are established blackcurrant bushes that are more than two years old, then there is another pruning method:

For established shrubs, you will need to remove the old wood. It is best to use sharp secateurs or pruning shears. Cut at an angle of about 45 degrees. This allows water to drain away from the cut edge, otherwise the trunk can rot. The old shoots are dark and thicker than the young ones. The new season wood is thinner and has a much lighter color. Naturallythe cut helpsto create space for new shoots. Eight to twelve of the best young shoots should be left to ensure a bountiful harvest.

The fruits are formed on one- and two-year-old branches, not older ones, so cut off the older branches first. You should also remove weak, damaged or broken branches so that you can get the plants into good shape and thathealthy growthfavor. The shrubs will benefit from fertilizer and mulch. Cut very deeply (about 15cm above the ground).

Remove any branches growing to the side as they prevent access, restrict air circulation and make the shrub untidy. Finally, trim the plant to give it a round, open shape. This means your shrub will be easy to care for and look pretty next season.

How to prune plants that are 3 years old and older

If your bushes are 3 years old or older, you will need to remove about 30-40% of the old growth when pruning, namely the darkest colored shoots. For unkempt, overgrown plants, you should remove more so that the plant develops properly.

Cut the branches back to one of the lowest outward-facing buds. Also cut off any side shoots on the remaining shoots to prevent them from bending and clinging to other shoots. As usual, prune out weak or poor-looking shoots. This is a rule of thumb to keep your bushes healthy and ensure a good harvest.

When do the bushes need to be propagated?

When a blackcurrant bush reaches about 15 years old, you should replace it. To ensure a regular harvest, propagate new bushes every ten years. Propagating the bushes is very easy and below we will give you the most important tips on how to proceed.

Propagation of currants by cuttings

If youCut blackcurrants, you can take cuttings for propagation. This is the most common method and propagation is quick and easy.

  • Using pruning shears, cut off a 6- to 12-inch (15 to 30 cm) shoot of the youngest growth and remove the soft tip. Cut diagonally, just above a bud. This is how you form the base of the cutting.
  • Dig a hole and plant the cutting in it. Mix in well-rotted compost or manure, as well as a handful of general onesorganic fertilizerslike bone meal into the excavated soil before returning it to the hole.
  • Place the seedling in the hole slightly deeper than the previous soil level and water well to further firm the soil. Consider waiting two or perhaps three years for the first fruits if you propagate blackcurrants from cuttings.