Planting celery in the vegetable garden – tips on care and harvest

Celery is a fairly demanding plant and is therefore ideal for any hobby gardener who wants to take on a challenge. The requirement that vegetables are so picky about is the weather and that is precisely a factor that you cannot control. If you want to plant celery, you should know that the plant likes it cool. For this reason, it is the perfect choice if you live in a region with cool summers. The perfect temperature is between 21 and 24 degrees during the day and 15 at night. At the same time, it shouldn't be too cold either. It can withstand frost, but should be harvested before the colder temperatures.

But that's not enough with the requirements. However, you at least have an influence on the others. The celery plants need regular water and fertilizer and should be protected from diseases and pests. Furthermore, bleaching the plant is necessary if you want to preserve the typical white stem with a mild taste. However, if you prefer celery because of its bulbous naturerootIf you want to raise a child, this is not necessary.

Depending on the climate of your region, two periods are possible. If you have a cold winter, you can plant the celery in spring after the last frost. If the winter is mild, the entire period from autumn to spring is a suitable option. It is important that the soil temperature is above 12 degrees. Seeds should be sown indoors. To do this, choose the time approx. 10 weeks before the planned planting. Plant the celery at a distance of 15 to 25 cm from each other. To do this, choose a sunny place in the garden. As already mentioned, regular watering and fertilization are necessary. It is also best to use liquid fertilizer.

Three to four weeks before harvest, the stems must be tied together at the top. If you want to bleach the celery, you can do it in different ways. You can either surround the stems with soil and cover them, or use household items such as rolled newspaper, pipes, cans or milk containers. But don't cover the leaves! Bleaching gives the celery a milder taste. If you prefer it to be spicier, you can skip the bleaching process. In this case, the amount of nutrients in the plant also increases.

The vegetables take between 90 and 120 days to mature. You can either harvest the stems individually or remove the entire plant. If you want to harvest the roots, wait until they are about 5 cm in diameter.