Have you discovered fine spider webs on your beautiful roses in the garden? These are a sign that your plants are infested with spider mites, which feed on them and weaken them. Roses are quite often attacked by the small arachnids that live under their leaves and cause tiny holes. They may look harmless, but they can cause your flowers to wilt, yellow, and dry out. In this article, learn how to recognize spider mites on roses and get rid of them using natural remedies.
Spider mites on roses: This is how you can fight them effectively
Spider mites prefer hot, dry living conditions and are common in spring and summer, especially when their natural enemies are greatly reduced by the use of insecticides. For this reason, it is particularly important to use natural means of pest control,to maintain the natural balanceto keep your garden. In this article, you'll learn how to recognize them, prevent their damage, and get rid of them effectively.
What are spider mites and how can you recognize them?
Spider mites have eight legs instead of six and are classified as arachnids rather than insects. They are smaller than the head of a pin, making them difficult to spot without magnification. It is much easier to detect your networks and damage.
Spider mites most often appear in the spring when the weather warms up and begin to eat the plants. This makes the roses susceptible to disease and other problems. The tiny arachnids reproduce quickly and each female lays hundreds of eggs.
Some signs that your roses are infested with spider mites are the white to yellow spots on the rose petals. If the infestation is left untreated, it can result in leaf drop and even plant death. Fine webs are often present on the underside of the leaves, although these can occur on both sides of the leaf.
Get rid of the tiny pests with water
Spider mites don't like water. So if you notice a lighter infestation, spray your rose bushes with cold water every morning using a strong stream of water. Focus on the underside of the leaves to easily drive away the pests.
Fight spider mites on roses with home remedies
Fighting spider mites is difficult, but with some simple home remedies it is possible to save your beautiful roses. Since most homemade sprays do not affect the eggs, it is recommended to treat the plants again after 10 to 14 days to control the infestation.
- Rosemary beer:Add a teaspoon of rosemary oil to a liter of water, stir well and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the affected plants. Since rosemary oil is not harmful to both humans and pets, it is excellent for treating fruit, vegetable andand houseplants.
- Orange Oil Cleanser:Dilute a teaspoon of orange cleaner in 2 liters of water and thoroughly wet both sides of the rose petals until the solution drips off them. Use as needed until all spider mites are gone.
- Neem Oil:It acts like a natural pesticide, but is not toxic to humans or animals. The natural extract suffocates the spider mites and kills them quickly. Mix a tablespoon of neem oil with 1 liter of water in a spray bottle and spray the affected foliage. When using neem oil, be careful not to get it on garden furniture or clothing.
- Rubbing alcohol:Fight spider mites with a solution of equal parts rubbing alcohol and water. Add a drop of dish soap and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the underside of the leaves and any webs you see.
- Dishwashing liquid:Mix 1/2 teaspoon of dish soap with 1 teaspoon of cooking oil and one quart of water and spray generously over the entire plant. Repeat the process daily until there are no arachnids left.
Attract natural predators
Another natural method to combat spider mites is to colonize the infected plants with natural predators. They act as biological pest controllers by hunting the arachnids.
Insecticide-free gardens can attract lacewings, ladybugs, thrips and other beneficial insects. Just be sure that the insects you attract to combat spider mites are appropriate for the specific plant and season.
Water regularly for natural prevention
Roses that are stressed by heat and drought are susceptible to spider mite infestation. Therefore, regular watering in summer is very effective in keeping the tiny pests at bay.
Make sure you reach all areas of the rose bed and make sure thatWater potted plants more frequentlyshould be. When planting, keep a distance between rose bushes so that air circulation is not restricted.
To retain moisture in the soil longer, cover it with a layer of mulch made from peanut shells, pine needles or bark.