Are June beetles dangerous and how can you fight them in the garden using natural means?

Most people have nothing against June beetles. They don't bite or sting and don't look particularly annoying. You may be wondering if June beetles are dangerous. Although they do not bite humans, they eat a variety of plants. The unpleasant-looking larvae also eat the roots of plants and destroy grasses and other vegetation underground. The June beetle, also known as the May beetle, can be a real pest for homeowners in spring and summer. Luckily, the bug can be controlled and prevented by doing it yourself. Here's how to control and get rid of them if they become a problem in your lawn or garden.

Are June beetles dangerous to people and pets

You may be wondering if June bugs are dangerous to you or your pets. After all, they have pincers around their mouths and sometimes seem to attack us with their erratic flight.The bugs canbite – but not people or pets. Like all other bugs, they have small mouthparts. However, these are intended for chewing and eating plants, not for biting people or for self-defense. Growing June beetles, called larvae, also have mouthparts. However, like their adult counterparts, these are designed exclusively for eating roots and plant material, not for biting or stabbing. The bugs won't bite you either. Their mouths are too small to harm humans or pets. They also have no pincers or stingers on their bodies.

The bugs don't pinch or bite, but when they crawl on you, you may occasionally feel a slight discomfort. That's because June beetles, like most scarab beetles, have sharp spines on their legs. This allows them to hold onto surfaces without falling out. Therefore, when a June beetle crawls on you, you may sometimes feel a slight sting from its spines. However, this discomfort is not intentional and you don't have to worry about getting hurt. These bugs do not transmit disease, which is why they are relatively harmless.

What damage do the beetles do to your garden?

June beetles can be harmful to your landscape. They feed on plant material. This means they can destroy your garden and plants or damage your trees. Their larvae are equally destructive, eating and damaging the roots of plants and trees. Therefore, you may be looking for ways to prevent June beetle infestations, even if they are not harmful or dangerous to you or your pets. Cats love to chase and pounce on the bugs, and your dog might eat them as a crunchy snack.

Around theFighting bugs properly, you have to be active between summer and the beginning of autumn, because that's when the female June beetles lay their eggs. If there are already adult beetles, it is too late to do anything that would really help. When using pest control products, you need to keep in mind that they may be able to cause more damage to your garden than the June beetles. Below are some ways you can prevent the bugs from destroying your garden in the future:

  • Keep your lawn healthy – You can keep your lawn healthy and prevent the bug infestation by spreading seeds on the bare areas of your garden. The bugs prefer to lay their eggs in short grass, so don't cut the lawn too short in summer. Avoid over- or under-watering your lawn in the spring to ensure deep, healthy roots. You should also aerate your lawn regularly.
  • Milky Spore Disease – This is a natural disease that can help destroy the bugs organically. It is not harmful to earthworms, which are necessary for maintaining a healthy lawn, but it is harmful to June beetle larvae. All you need to do is sprinkle milkspores on your lawn and then water your garden for about 15 minutes or apply the milkspores just before a rain shower. A single treatment can last up to 15 years.
  • Clean up all damage – If the bugs are destroying your lawn, it’s pretty obvious; You will see damaged areas where the grass has died. If you see damage on your lawn, dig it up. You will find some larvae in the ground and it is best to destroy them so that they cannot cause further damage or grow into adults.
  • The bug is much less active in the morning, so that's the best time to get rid of it. You'll probably find them on the plants, shake them off and destroy them. Since they are attracted to light in the evening, you can use this to your advantage. Attract them with a flashlight or light and destroy them.
  • Natural predators– June beetles may not be the most attractive bugs, but they do smell and taste very good to some animals. Armadillos, skunks and other mammals can be seen pulling back the turf in search of something to eat. Birds also like to eat June bugs, so try to attract them to your garden. You can put up birdbaths, but don't put out bird seed, as the birds are more likely to jump on them than on the bugs. There is also a species of wasp that lays its own eggs, from which it hatches and feeds on the bug.
  • Tilling the soil in the garden – When you dig up the soil in the fall, all the grubs come to the surface. You can try to destroy as many as possible and the birds will help you while enjoying a tasty meal.