Shrubs for full sun and dry soil: These plants need little water and beautify the garden

Although many plant species thrive in bright, sunny locations, not all plant species are hardy enough to survive in locations with dry soil. We have put together a list of beautiful shrubs that thrive in full sun and require little water. Be inspired by the following images and transform your garden into an oasis! These are the best shrubs for full sun and dry soil.

Kolkwitzie (Lovely Kolkwitzia)

The pearl bush can reach a height and width of up to 3 m, so it is important to choose a location that allows it to spread. This magnificent shrub belongs to the family ofCaprifoliaceaeand gets its name from the bell-shaped, light pink flowers that cover it in abundance in spring.

Because it is a stoloniferous shrub, this plant has the ability to produce new branches in close proximity to the parent plant. To put an end to this problem, you can simply pull out the cuttings as soon as they appear. To ensure the health and growth of Kolkwitzia, young bushes need about 2 - 3 cm of water every week. Once established, they can tolerate dry periods.

Shrubs for full sun and dry soil – Common Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)

Boxwood can be either a shrub or a tree and both have shiny, dark green, ovate-oblong leaves. There are over 70 different species within the genus Buxus. These hardy plants can be formed into hedges that attract attention. Dwarf varieties of boxwood are known for their colorful foliage that is dense and has a round habit.

Boxwoods can thrive in full sun or partial shade, but they do best when they receive at least 5 or 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Choose a sheltered location if you live in an area with dry winter winds. It is important to know that all parts of this plant, including the leaves, are toxic to animals.

Flowering shrubs for full sun – Buddleia (Buddleja)

Buddleia, also known as butterfly lilac, is a tall, deciduous shrub that produces huge flowers in a variety of colors. The flowering shrub is hardy, perennial and exudes a honey-like scent. The plant attracts pollinating insects with its rather coarse leaves and colorful flower spikes.

There are many different colored varieties of buddleia available to buy. This shrub blooms in a variety of colors including purple, white, pink, and orange. These fast-growing shrubs are very easy to care for and do not require much attention to thrive. Therethis plantis capable of producing its own seeds, it has become an invasive species in some regions, which is important to take into account.

Shrubs for full sun and dry soil – Blue Dwarf Juniper (Juniper scales„Blue Star“)

These drought-resistant shrubs should be planted in locations with limited space. You can also use the juniper as a ground cover or to border your garden. The foliage is a deep blue-green color and the plant has a low, round growth habit. The mature height of the dwarf juniper is 60 cm and the width can reach 90 – 120 cm. This beautiful shrub requires very little care to ensure it maintains its attractive appearance all year round.

cotoneasters (Cotoneaster) for your garden

These magnificent evergreen plants bear clusters of flowers in colors ranging from white to pink and fruit in the form of berries in the fall. Cotoneaster is an excellent choice for a drought-resistant hedge that can also increase the aesthetic value of your garden.

Lantana (Lantana) for sunny locations

These easy-care shrubs resemble a climbing plant and are so versatile that they can be used as ground cover in flower beds or as hanging plants in hanging baskets. The flowering shrub produces small clusters of brightly colored inflorescences. These can be white, yellow, orange, purple, pink, red or blue depending on which color scheme you choose. If you grow lantana, you will have lots of butterflies in your garden because its flowers are highly fragrant. The perennial plant can be grown at any time of the yearbe plantedand is guaranteed to bring color to every bed it is in.

panicle hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata)

The variety known as panicle hydrangea is best suited to regions with lower average rainfall. Panicle hydrangeas are woody,perennial shrubs, which produce fragrant flowers well into autumn. This particular species of hydrangea, like the other species in the genus, bears huge, spherical flower heads made up of clusters of small flowers. These are the only type of hydrangeas that can survive extended dry periods without additional watering. Since both people and animals can be poisoned by hydrangeas, it is important to choose the location carefully.

Shrubs for full sun and dry soil – farmer's jasmine (Philadelphus coronarius)

The farmer's jasmine is a beautiful and traditionally flowering shrub. It exudes a wonderfully sweet scent and has long been a popular garden shrub because of its pure white flowers. The optimal condition for growing farmer's jasmine is a sunny and dry location. Avoid planting in areas with heavy, wet soils or lots of shade.