Planting flower boxes with examples for summer

Boxes and other plant containers can be put together in so many different ways that you probably can't even imagine. However, some people find it difficult to come up with something interesting, simply because as a hobby gardener you can hardly know all the types of flowers. In addition, you also have to know the respective location and care conditions, because ultimately the selected species should feel comfortable in the same place. We know it's difficult. Would you like a little help planting the flower box with examples for summer? We introduce you to beautiful balcony plants that you could combine.

Plant flower boxes with examples for summer - balconies, windows, terraces

It's not just flowering plants that are perfect if you want to plant flower boxes in summer. There are also green ones or those with variegated foliage that can complete a combo while adding texture. Most of the flowers and plants mentioned below come in different colors, so feel free to come up with your own color schemes.

So, what flowers can I plant in window boxes now?

Summer flowers for the balcony in the sun - hanging petunias and standing angelonias

If you're thinking, "Not petunias again...!", take another look at the arrangement! This is not the casethe classic petunias, which you may have already overlooked, but rather smaller varieties. They hang over the box and, in combination with the medium ones and the tall ones in the background, create three levels full of color and elegance. What else is in this station wagon?

Planting flower boxes with examples for summer:

A – Petunie (Petunia) in Pink
B – Verbena (Verbenia) in Pink
C – Buntnessel (Coleus) in Bordeaux
D – Ornamental sweet potato (Sweet potatoes) in green
E – Angelonia (Angeloniaangustifolia) in white

Plant a flower box with examples for summer – green and white balcony flowers

If you want it to be more minimalistic in terms of colors and prefer a monochrome arrangement, this is suitableCombination of white and greensimply great. Lush and elegant probably best describes this example. There are two levels here, which were put together from the following specimens and are suitable for the shadow:

A – Geraniums (Pelargonium) in white
B – Empty (Ivy helix)
C – Snowflake Flower (Bacopa)
D – Busy Lieschen (Impatiens) in white

Or how about this duo, also with summer flowers for the shade:

A – Zierspargel (Asparagus sprengeri)
B – Begonia (Begonia) in white

The ornamental asparagus is perfect if youDisplay flowers hangingand want to extend the arrangement downwards. The begonias are the perfect balcony flowers that fill the upper areas when standing.

More ideas for the shady balconycan be found here.

Flower box for balcony railings, large windows or terrace borders

You can get really creative in a larger box. However, before you decide to choose such a balcony box, make sure that the railing can actually support the weight. Otherwise, an oversized planter is better suited to framing a patio, for example, where it sits securely on the ground. Otherwise, in this example you can see a combination of different colors and the following plants for the flower box:

A – Snowflake Flower (Bacopa)
B – Torenie (Torenia) in Pink
C – magic bells (Calibrachoa) in Pink
D – indoor hops (Brandegean justice) in Rot
E – Vanilleblume (Heliotropium) in Lila
F – Capaster (Felicia) in white
G – Strawflower (Helichrysum petiolare)

Romantic trio for small boxes

Three copies for your ownPlanting ideas for balconies, windows and terrace can be chosen in any color to create your own color scheme. Either way, you can simply combine a larger number in the box if the example is too small for you. The arrangement looks very interesting thanks to the dark sweet potato in the middle. It is surrounded by delicate flowers in pink and pink. You can see these plants for balcony boxes in the picture:

A – magic bells (Calibrachoa) in Pink
B – Mini petunia ('Supertunia Visa Bubblegum') in pink
C – ornamental sweet potato (Sweet potatoes'Blackie') in dark purple

Planting flower boxes with examples for summer – bee-friendly flowers

Would you also like to do something good for bees and other insects with your plants? Attract butterflies, among other things, with this colorful idea: Lots of green with bright accents here and there in pink, yellow and subtle white make this idea really summery. There is something about the arrangement that reminds us of colorful summer meadows. A surprising part of this combination is the parsley, which fills in the gaps perfectly. These plants for sunny balconies are included:

A – Verbena (Verbenia) in Pink
B – parsley (Crispy parsley)
C – Zinnie (Zinnia) in white
D – five-number bush (Stage) in white
E – Lantana (Lantana) in yellow
F – Magic Bells (Calibrachoa) in Lila

Are you looking for the right thing especially for a sunny location? Take a lookhere!