Spring is here and many people can't wait to grill again! Meat, fish, vegetables or cheese – everything tastes wonderful on the grill. To protect the grilled meat from smoke and to grill small vegetables and potatoes, people often use aluminum trays or foil. However, if aluminum products are used improperly, they can be harmful to health. That's why the experts recommend grilling without aluminum foil. In the article we reveal what you should pay attention to and what alternatives there are.
Why is grilling without aluminum foil recommended?
Aluminum foil is often used, especially during the grilling season. To cook vegetables or fish gently, wrap them in aluminum foil before putting them on the grill. This way they can develop their full flavor and are protected from rising fumes. However, what is often neglected is the fact that the light metal aluminum is soluble under the influence of acid or salt and can therefore be found in our food.
In healthy people, small amounts of aluminum in the body can be excreted via the kidneys. However, weekly aluminum intake should not exceed one milligram per kilogram of body weight, otherwise it becomes harmful to health. It is suspected that the light metal could influence people's nervous system, bone structure and fertility.
Since the aluminum can dissolve under the influence of salt or acid and pass into the grilled food, you should avoid aluminum products when grilling foods containing salt or acid. You can only wrap unsalted or unmarinated products in aluminum foil and only add salt and season to them after cooking. Otherwise, you can use one of the possible alternatives to aluminum foil.
What are the alternatives to aluminum foil?
Would you likeCook and grill healthily, then you should avoid using aluminum foil and aluminum trays when grilling. Of course, the easiest way is to place the food directly on a clean grill. However, you should clean it thoroughly with a brush after each grilling. Now take a look at the possible alternatives to aluminum foil that are not only healthier but also protect the environment.
Stainless steel or enamel grill accessories are durable
For grilling without aluminum foil, you can use grill bowls made of stainless steel or enamel as a sustainable alternative. Just as goodPans are also suitableor woks made of cast iron and stainless steel that you place directly on the grate. The disadvantage of this grill accessory is that the food takes a little longer to cook on it.
Grill grid for meat, vegetables and fish
A grill grate is one of the must-haves of every grill master. Vegetables or meat can be clamped into it and easily turned all at once. Special fish grills are even offered for fish, which have a “fish shape”. It is important to always oil the food before grilling so that it doesn't stick.
A grill basket for delicious grilled vegetables
Small pieces or chopped vegetables and diced potatoes can be prepared quickly and easily in a grill basket. The basket is closed on all sides and therefore the small pieces cannot fall out. Another good option if you want to prepare grilled food in smaller portions are thesmall pan for raclette. If these have a wooden handle, wrap it with aluminum foil in advance.
Natural alternatives to grilling without aluminum foil
For fish, cheese and vegetables, vegetable leaves are a natural alternative to the harmful aluminum foil. Banana, rhubarb, chard, cabbage, corn or grape leaves are mainly used for this. The food to be grilled can be wrapped in it and then placed directly on the grill grate. To make the leaves softer, they should be blanched briefly beforehand. Then simply wrap the food to be grilled, secure it with thread or toothpicks if necessary and finally brush the leaves generously with oil. This way they won't burn.
Recyclable materials
Materials like parchment and baking paper are recyclable and offer another great option for grilling without aluminum foil. This variant is ideal for preparing potatoes or grilled fish. After you have wrapped the food to be grilled, you should coat the paper well with cooking oil. Additionally, for best results, the grill should not be too hot.
Wooden skewers for small vegetables
A simple way to grill the chopped vegetables is to simply thread the small pieces onto wooden skewers. Before the vegetables end up on the grill grate, they should first be watered. This prevents the vegetable skewers from burning.
Use grill board or grill paper instead of aluminum foil
Can be used on grill boards and wooden grill planksjuicy meat, grill fish and vegetables. These boards are primarily made from cedar or beech wood and can be placed directly on the grill. Before use they must be left in water for approx. 24 hours. In addition to a good taste, they also give the food a tasty aroma.
The grill paper is also made of wood, but is significantly thinner compared to the grill board. Wrapped in this paper, the grilled food cooks slowly on the grill and acquires a typical smoky aroma. Just like the grill boards, the grill paper must also be placed in water before grilling.
Grill potatoes without aluminum foil
Aluminum foil is often used when grilling potatoes. However, if you want to avoid aluminum, you can try this simple trick. First cook the potatoes with their skins in a pot until al dente. Then drain and cut in half. Make sure the peel remains on the potato after cutting. Then simply place the potato halves directly on the grill and grill. This makes grilling without aluminum foil really easy and healthy too.