Should you fertilize young tomato plants? With the help of these care tips, you can expect a bountiful harvest!

Tomatoes thrive when provided with plenty of nutrients during the growing season. Chemical or organic fertilizers can provide the soil with the nutrients your tomato plants need. Then the answer to the question – “Should you fertilize young tomato plants?” – is clearly yes! Fertilizing young tomato plants is one of the best ways to stimulate their growth early in the growing season. Read on to get useful tips for a bountiful harvest.

We know tomatoes are heavy feeders, but if you don't need to fertilize them to begin with, when should you start? Your tomatoes cannot use the nutrients in the soil until they form “real” leaves and begin photosynthesis. If you've ever planted seeds, you know the moment when the first leaves appear. These leaves are generally more rounded than the other leaves on the plant. The cotyledons provide the plant with the energy it needs to emerge from the ground and form the first true leaves. Fertilize the seedling when it has grown between 5 and 10 cm tall and the first true leaves are fully formed.

Even fertilizers that are not intended to burn the plants can harm the seedlings because they are still so young. Don't risk damaging your tomato plant's young roots by fertilizing too early. Do not use fertilizer when planting seeds.

The best fertilizers for young tomato plants

For seedlings of all types, not just tomatoes, it is better to use a half-strength fertilizer. The young root systems are particularly susceptible to fertilizer burn. Due to the lack of rainfall and the proximity of plants to each other, salts can easily build up in the soil and cause root burns.

NPK liquid fertilizer for young tomato plants

When caring for seedlings, liquid fertilizers are preferable. They are less laborious to mix and use than powders. When you dilute your liquid fertilizer,preserve your plantsall the nutrients you need without being oversupplied.

Plants require nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as their main macronutrients. A fertilizer that has a balanced ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is best. Phosphorus should be a priority if any of these elements are to be increased in quantity. At this point, phosphorus is critical for healthy root growth. The three-digit NPK ratio is often used when talking about fertilizers or is indicated on the packaging itself. The N stands for Nitrogenium – nitrogen in Latin.

  • Phosphorus is essential for both root system development and fruit development. This makes it an important nutrient both at the beginning and at the end.
  • Nitrogen nourishes the plant's leaves, but an excess of nitrogen results in bushy growth and few or no fruits.
  • Potassium promotes rapid growth and development of flowers and fruits in plants. But it is also important for things like photosynthesis and resistance to certain diseases.

Despite the claims,those for tomatoesare set up, not all growth stages benefit from plant nutrition. At this stage of growth, harmony is ideal. Young plants should be watered from below to avoid damaging their delicate foliage. Only half of the recommended amount of fertilizer should be diluted with water and poured into the seed tray.

Fertilize young tomato plants with compost tea

Compost tea is the solution if you want a homemade, all-natural method. With the help of this natural fertilizer, young tomato plants can receive the nutrients they need. The nutrient content is so low that the plants are not overwhelmed and the nutrients can be quickly absorbed by the roots and leaves of the plant. You can either make compost tea yourself or buy it.

You should start with high quality compost if you want to make a truly effective compost tea. To make compost tea, you only need a few components: compost, clean water, a mesh bag, and a container.


  • 4 l chlorine-free water
  • 300 g of finished compost


  • Place the finished compost in a mesh bag.
  • Place the mesh bag in the bucket.
  • Fill the bucket with chlorine-free water.
  • Store the bucket in a cold and dark place.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly every day for a week.

Worm tea is also a good fertilizer

Worm tea, made by soaking worm castings in water, is also an excellent choice. The organic worm and compost teas can be applied weekly at 100% strength without damaging the plants. Both have low power.

How often you should fertilize young tomato plants

Fertilize the seedlings once a week until they are large enough to be planted in separate pots or in the garden.