Even if you're new to gardening, May is a good month to start. May is one of the busiest months in the garden - the ground is warm and the plants are thriving in their new environment. However, keep an eye out for a surprise late frost. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and be prepared to wrap delicate plants in fleece at the last minute to protect them from frost. But when the Ice Saints are over, you can sow and plant delicious vegetables. In case you're wondering - "What vegetables to plant in May?" - below are some of the many vegetables that can be grown this month.
What vegetables to plant in May? The top 7 vegetables you shouldn't miss
These are the vegetables you can plant in May.
Plant or sow tomatoes in May
Tomatoes are plants that thrive in warm climates and cannot tolerate frost. After the last day on which frost is expected, they should not be planted directly into the ground until a few weeks later. Most tomato varieties require temperatures that are consistently above 10 degrees. Tomato seeds take up to 11 days to germinate and the plants need at least 74 days to mature before they can be harvested. Planting larger tomatoes indoors and then moving them outdoors is beneficial for their growth. If you plant faster growing tomato varieties such as cherry tomatoes, you can grow the tomato plantsdirectly into megrow from seeds.
Cucumbers in the vegetable patch
Growing corn and tomatoes along with cucumbers produces the best possible results in companion planting. When the soil is warm and moist, cucumber seedlings emerge from dormancy more quickly. The cucumber plant is particularly sensitive to soil temperatures below 20 degrees. As long as you take temperature into account when planting cucumbers, growing this plant is very easy. Cucumbers grow best in full sun and require frequent watering. There are cucumber varieties that are well suited to growing in containers.
Planting time for peppers is in May
When it comes to plants that are killed by low temperatures, it is best to grow peppers outdoors in the same way as tomatoes. Pepper plants will produce peppers until the first frost in the fall if they are kept in full sun and watered well. There is also an amazing variety of pepper plants, many of which can be successfully grown not only in larger gardens but also in smaller pots.
What vegetables to plant in May? zucchini
Depending on how warm it is where you are, the month of May is a great month for growing zucchini, either from seeds or from already established plants. Like many other vegetables on this list, zucchini need exposure to direct sunlight and they need enough space to spread. There are times when zucchini plants have difficulty being pollinated. It is advisable to stay near flowers that attract pollinators. If you plant your zucchini plants during fruitingwith plenty of compost fertilizerand water, they should be able to produce a large number of fruits with little effort.
Growing melon in May
Melons are not a fruit - botanically speaking, they are a vegetable. It is possible to grow melons successfully if you follow basic growing requirements. Keep an eye out for pests and clear your soil of weedsor other plants, which could hinder the growth of your melons. As they grow, you can protect the developing fruit in a variety of ways, such as lifting them off the ground to keep them from rotting.
Don't forget the onion
These culinary essentials are a crop that requires a long-term commitment to the garden as they take up space for several months, but they are a crop that is both exciting and fulfilling to grow. You can choose between white, brown and red varieties. Harvesting the onions can take between 24 and 30 weeks. The onions are ripe when the bulb is visible at the bottom and the tips begin to yellow and fall off. You can harvest only as much as you need, or you can harvest the entire crop and store it in a cool and dry place.
Pumpkins should not be missing
Pumpkins need a lot of space to grow to their full size. Pumpkins also require plenty of water, nutrient-rich soil and plenty of sunlight, especially in the early stages of growth when the harvest is just beginning. Know exactly what type of pumpkin you want to grow before you start digging in the soil. Some varieties are stronger than others in their ability to spread!
Other vegetables to plant out
- Artichokes
- eggplant
- Broccoli
- fennel
- potatoes
- Kohlrabi
- Leek
- More
- Porree
- Brussels sprouts
- Rotkohl
- Salat
- Saddlery
- White cabbage
- savoy
Sow these vegetables directly into the bed
- Cauliflower
- Bush and pole beans
- pea
- Mangold
- carrots
- Pastinake
- radish
- radish
- Rote Beth
- Rocket
- Spinach