Tomato pests: Helpful tips on how to recognize them and combat them successfully with home remedies

Homegrown tomatoes are a source of pride, a beauty and indescribably delicious. To produce the perfect tomato, you need to be vigilant. Keep an eye on the health of your plants, keep an eye out for larvae and other insects, and watch for signs of disease. A number of tomato problems can wreak havoc on your favorite plants. Responding quickly also means having the most efficient tools, products and methods ready when problems arise. We'll show you the most common tomato pests and provide environmentally friendly solutions to get rid of them.

What are the most common tomato pests?

The first task with an unhappy tomato plant is to diagnose the problem. Websites with images can be extremely helpful here. We present some pictures of possible pests on your tomato plant.

If you see an insect on or near your beloved tomato plants, you shouldn't immediately reach for the nearest insecticide. Many insects are beneficial or at least neutral to the garden. This insect can feed on the very pests you are having problems with. Even if it is an enemy, a single insect does not constitute an infestation. Some of the most common tomato pests are:

  1. Aphids
  2. Whiteflies
  3. Black flies
  4. cutworms

Getting rid of tomato pests: the right plants for the right place

Pests are more likely to attack your tomatoes and other plants when the plants are under stress. When growing tomatoes, like all other plants, it is important to plant them in the right places: the vegetable goes well with marigolds. You have to ensure that the right environmental conditions are present. Pests are then much less likely to establish themselves, and if they do occur, they are less problematiceasier to fight. Plants that are in good condition are much more resilient and more likely to fend off pest problems.

Pests on tomato plants – aphids

Recognize aphids

The most common tomato pest, but also one of the most destructive, is the aphid. These critters have soft, pear-shaped bodies and are typically white, black, brown or even pink. Aphids attack a wide range of plants, including relatives of tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants.

They settle on new shoots and on the underside of young leaves. The aphids are sap-sucking insects and leave behind a sticky substance that attracts various other annoying insects. Although they are among the most destructive insects, especially in more temperate climates, a small infestation is not a major problem. However, if left untreated, they reduce the yield of your plants and can even cause the plants to die.

Easily eliminate tomato pests

Fortunately, aphids are easy to get rid of. Because of their small size, they are easy to wipe with your fingers or pick off and kill. You can also hose them down with a spray bottle. The jet of water blasts them off the tomato plant and leaves no damage. Natural soapy water (or nettle broth) applied with a spray bottle is another common way to suffocate the bugs. You can also use a biological pesticide based on neem oil or rapeseed oil against tomato pests.

In extreme cases, it may be necessary to prune or deaden the affected leaves or other parts of the plant. To prevent aphid infestation, you should plant nasturtiums, for example, to lure the aphids away from your tomatoes.and choose plants, which attract predatory insects such as ladybirds and hoverflies.

Pests on tomatoes: whiteflies

What are the whiteflies?

Whiteflies are tiny insects that are closely related to aphids. They can be found in almost all regions and usually feed on the underside of plant leaves. Whiteflies are often found on tomatoes, especially when grown indoors or in greenhouses. Both the nymphs and adults damage the plants by sucking sap, resulting in stunted growth, leaf yellowing and reduced yields.

Successfully combat whiteflies as tomato pests

Whiteflies can spread disease and make plants more susceptible to other problems. Therefore, it is important to nip an infestation in the bud before it gets too serious. Attract predatory insects to reduce their numbers. And consider further measures as described for aphids.

Tomato pests – the black flies

Recognize thrips easily

Thrips are tiny insects that are quite difficult to see, so an infestation can easily get out of control before you notice it. Telltale signs of a thrips infestation include dry or brown-spotted leaves, fallen leaves and mottled flowers. While the thrips themselves are unlikely to kill your plants, they could transmit diseases that do.

Eliminate thrips quickly

Be alert for an infestation and remove infested material as quickly as possible. Attract beneficial, predatory insects like ladybugsthrough the plantingand attract insectivorous birds to your garden to keep thrips populations in check. For severe infestations, you can use organic soap-based sprays.

Cutworms as pests on tomato plants

Cutworms – extremely harmful

Cutworms are capable of destroying a tomato plant overnight. These gray or brown caterpillars with black or yellow spots are about an inch long and are extremely harmful. These secretive caterpillars work at night and leave large holes in your tomatoes. But the fruit is not the only sacrifice. Seedlings are usually the most vulnerable, but the caterpillars also attack the stems and eventually cause the plant to fall over. During the day they hide underground or under plant remains.

Get rid of cutworms

The best way to prevent cutworm infestation is to work the soil regularly and remove all plant debris before planting tomatoes. If you spot a worm, simply pick it off with your hands. You can also sprinkle cornmeal around the plants, which will kill the caterpillars on the tomatoes if they eat it. Also, water well as this can also help drive away these pests.