Eliminating horsetail can be a nightmare once it becomes established in the landscape. The horsetail family (Equisetum) includes over 30 ancient plant species. Long ago, horsetail, also known as horsetail, cattail, and horsetail, was the predominant plant on Earth and was said to have grown very large. There are two forms of this perennial weed today. Read on to learn more about how to control field horsetail.
Removing roots: effective methods
Horsetail can often be found in fields, ponds and along roads. Unfortunately, it can also spread in your garden. Eliminating horsetail weed in your outdoor area is no easy task. Horsetail can be a big problem because this plant has enormous roots (with rhizomes) that are difficult to remove by hand. Rhizomes that grow near the surface can be dug up, but deeper roots require a lot of digging. Occasional, superficial weeding is not effective and can make the problem worse as the plant can regrow from the small pieces left behind. However, removing shoots as soon as they appear above the ground can reduce infestations if done over several years.
In small areas it may be possiblethe plant at the rootsto dig up. All roots must be removed, otherwise the weeds will appear again. However, if cattail occurs in lawns, it can be kept under control by mowing regularly.
Are chemical agents a good idea?
Horsetail infestation can be controlled with weed killers. Above all, it is very important that you only use natural remedies to get rid of weeds. Find out which product you should use at your garden centerthe other plantsdoesn't kill. In open ground where there are no perennials, bulbs or crops, you can use chemical agents to prevent new growth.
Strong weedkillers containing glyphosate can be used during growth in late summer. Shred shoots with a rake before application to ensure effective penetration. Remember: Horsetail is stubborn and it may take multiple applications – possibly over several years – to completely eliminate the problem.
Destroy horsetail with plastic sheeting
You can smother the plant with a large plastic tarp to kill it. Leave the film on for at least one gardening season. This should cause the horsetail to die under the foil.
Fight field horsetail – improve the soil
The best way to prevent this horsetail from spreading in your garden is prevention. You should improve your outdoor area that does not drain optimally. Keep tillage around the horsetail to a minimum as this will lead to spore dispersal.
The ponytail thrives in poorly drained areas with acidic soil (typically sandy or clay soils). The following procedures will help modify soil conditions to be more suitable for desirable plants and less suitable for field horsetail.
- Improve drainage
You can improve drainage by filling boggy or low areas with additional soil. Dig drainage ditches to divert runoff from your lawn or garden. Constantly wet areas are a paradise for the horsetail and are usually a death sentence for themthe plants or grassesthat you want to grow.
- Use dolomite lime
The cat's tail thrives in an acidic environment. Lime reduces the acidity of the soil, making it harder for weeds to thrive in less acidic conditions. By changing the soil chemistry, you can also make your other plants healthier and thus crowd out horsetail. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging of the dolomite lime you purchase before using it.
- Finally – fertilize
Two weeks after applying the dolomite lime, you should fertilize your soil. If you apply lime and fertilizer at the same time, lime and nitrogen work against each other. Pour the lime into the soil, wait at least 14 days, and then fertilize with a slow-release, high-nitrogen fertilizer. The fertilizer won't kill the weeds, but it willthe growth of the desired plantspromote and change the conditions for field horsetail.
Fight field horsetail with home remedies
- With vinegar
Killing horsetail with vinegar is a DIY remedy that only works well for a short period of time. Pour a 10 percent concentration of vinegar onto the base of the plant and the soil surrounding it. However, this will only rid your lawn of horsetail for a short time.
- With salt
You can also fight horsetail with salt, but you must know that no other plant can grow in this place. Therefore, the use of a salt solution to eliminate field horsetail in gardens is not recommended. This is how you can make your own home remedy for cat tails: Add 1 kg of table salt to 11 l of boiling water and soak the weeds with this solution. You may need to use this solution three or four times for it to be effective. You will see that the leaves of the horsetail turn brown after spraying with this solution.