Using weeds as a natural helper: It can save you money and improve the soil quality in your garden

Many people think that weeds are aggressive plants that like to compete with specifically grown plants. In reality, however, they have many uses in the garden. They can save you money and improve soil health. You can find out how you can use weeds in this article.

As mulch and to improve the soil

When it gets hot, the wild herbs keep the ground cool longer. They retain moisture, protect soil inhabitants (bacteria, fungi, animals, etc.) and help slow the germination of plants that are not as heat tolerant. That's why it's a good idea to grow wild herbs in your garden paths to take advantage of this soil stabilizing effect.

Weeds break up soil compaction:Weeds with deep roots, such as blackgrass and thistle, settle deep in the soil and loosen the soil. Then, when the tip is killed, the root remains in place and becomes food for soil dwellers, improving the soil structure.

Use weeds as an indicator of soil quality

If you know how to decipher the meaning of weeds, they provide information about the condition of the soil. The types of wild weeds growing in your garden, as well as their size and health, provide information about theSoil pH, the nitrogen content and help you identify mineral deficiencies.

Fern, among other things, is often an indicator of dry, compacted soils. However, if your soil is not dry or compacted and other plants grow slowly and sprout suddenly, this could be an indication that your garden bed does not contain enough calcium. Too lush planting can mean the soil is too alkaline for growing vegetables, while consistent growth means you're on the right track.

Taprooted weeds indicate soil depth:Taprooted weeds such as dandelion, hairy cat's tongue, thistle, and chamois root are indicators of what type of root vegetables you can grow most successfully. When the roots of these weeds are shallow and spreading, most of the nutrients and water are in the top few inches of soil. If they look more like a tall, upside down Christmas tree, the nutrients are located deeper.

You can use this information to match your crop selection with the root profiles of your weed plants. In areas with low nutrient levels, you should plant long carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes andGrowing parsnips. Shallow nutrient areas are better suited for half-length carrots, turnips, kohlrabi and other ground-hugging root vegetables.

Wild herbs warn of dry ground:Some weeds, such as the amaranth family, germinate and grow even better when the soil is semi-dry. So when you see the amaranth seedlings in full bloom in your garden beds, you should water more thoroughly and more often.

As a nitrogen source and for bioaccumulation

Did the above reasons convince you that weeds can be used? Not complete? Then read on!

Some weeds are a source of nitrogen:Clover, which many people consider an invasive weed, is an incredible source of nitrogen for the soil. These powerful plants draw nitrogen from the air and store it in nodules on their roots. When the plants die, the nitrogen in these nodules is broken down by soil dwellers and is then available to other plants. For clover to be a good source of nitrogen, you need to pull it from the ground before it begins to bloom.

Some weeds are excellent “bioaccumulators”:Bioaccumulation is a buzzword that means a plant is particularly good at extracting minerals that other plants don't have access to. Bioaccumulators have access to minerals in a wider pH range and have a complex root system that allows them to extract feed better than other crops. Garden fescue is the best-known example of a wild herb that works well as a bioaccumulator.

If this plant were palatable to animals, it would be one of the easiest to grow and most nutritious food sources you could offer your goats, chickens, pigs, ducks, and cattle. Unfortunately, the animals don't like the taste, as is often the case with the healthiest foods. However, all of these minerals and proteins are equally nutritious for your garden. You mustbe compostedto become bioavailable.

Use weeds as herbal probiotics

If nettles appear uninvited in your garden, put on a long-sleeved shirt, jeans, and gloves and dig for the root to get rid of them. But while you're at it, you can also reap the benefits by making it into a probiotic leaf blend and vitamin cocktail for your garden plants. Chop them up, put them in a bucket and pour water over them. Let them ferment for a week or more. Gently stir the mixture several times a day to saturate it with oxygen.

When it smells good and is mostly no longer bubbling, strain carefully. Then dilute it 5:1 with water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the underside of all the leaves of the garden plants. Preparing this fermented plant tea provides a variety of beneficial bacteria and minerals that help plants fight pests and pathogens.