Underplanting for trees – What grows in the tree shade?

There are a variety of reasons to underplant trees. If the garden is small and every square meter counts, the area under a large tree must be used. Lawn grass doesn't grow well in eitherTree shadows, that's why you need to find another solution. Today we're going to give you a few tipsUnderplanting for treesthat are visually appealing and as harmless to the tree as possible.

Underplanting for trees – ground cover

Ground cover plants are ideal as underplanting for trees because they thrive well in the shade, require no maintenance and integrate well into the natural environment. A good choice would be the evergreen onesVinca minor, spindle bush, ivy and Günsel. Hosta, woodruff, hazelwort, blackberry and lily of the valley are not evergreen, but are also suitable. After planting ground cover under trees, frequent watering is required until they have grown deep into the garden soil.

Underplanting for trees – shrubs

Small evergreen shrubs make good underplantings for trees because they grow low and dense. The majority of shrubs require almost no maintenance and thrive in soil amended with organic matter. A good idea would be the laurel daphne, which reaches a height of about 1 meter and grows up to 1.5 meters wide. The shrub produces yellow-green flowers in spring. The Shallon mockberry (Gaultheria shallon) reaches a mature height of about 1.2 meters and produces small pink flowers in spring. The flowers are followed by purple fruits. The evergreen creeping honeysuckle (Lonicera pileata) is an evergreen shrub that grows about 60 centimeters high and bears small, cream-colored flowers and purple berries in spring.

Underplanting for trees – perennials

Flowering perennials can add a lot of color. The delicate flowers would create a beautiful contrast to the dark, robust tree bark. It is always better to plant perennials instead of annual flowers under trees, as annual planting can be disruptive to the tree roots. Over time, the roots of the tree and those of the perennials become entwined and work together.

modern garden design

low boxwood hedge under tree

Jacob's ladder and hazel root

Soil covered with mulch

Woodruff and Japanese maple

Iris flowers, forget-me-nots and lilies of the valley

Laurel silk blast

Ivy and ferns