Many bird species find it difficult to find food during the cold seasons, which is why it is important to provide them with bird feeding in winter. In cold weather they also have to eat a lot more to stay warm. Additionally, the snow makes it difficult for them to find such nutritious food. However, if you have a garden, you can take some simple steps to help garden birds survive during the winter season. Follow these handy winter feeding tips to keep your feathered friends healthy during the cold season.
Before providing winter bird feeding in your garden
Feeding birds in winter can be rewarding and enjoyable amid the chilly weather. By understanding whichnative birds in winterWhat to Visit and What to Eat Both novice and experienced backyard birders make the most of their feeders during the coldest months of the year. Depending on the climate, geography and landscape of your garden and your region of the country, you could be visited by dozens of different species of garden birds during the winter months. The most common winter birds include finches, sparrows, titmice, jays and woodpeckers.
While there are various theories as to whether winter bird feeding is beneficial for wild birds, research shows that it improves their chances of survival. This is especially true when cold conditions can make their natural food scarce. Additionally, winter feeding also puts birds in a better position once the weather warms and breeding begins. Therefore, if you plan to feed garden birds on your property during the winter season, you should be confident that your efforts will ultimately benefit your feathered friends. For this reason, it is important to consider some factors to avoid possible mistakes.
Preparing for winter feeding in the garden
First, note which birds are already visiting your garden. Different species of birds have different preferences and favorite foods. Therefore, feeding the ones you know already frequent your garden can be a good start. This can encourage them to keep coming back. For example, robins love to eat fruit, while blue jays prefer peanuts. Most birds love black sunflower seeds.
Once you're feeding your regulars, you can branch out with other types of food and attract even more species of birds to your garden. Additionally, birds rely on bird feeders as an essential source of food during inclement weather. Easy to find and nutritious seeds and fats help them conserve energy. They use this energy to stay warm instead of hunting for scarce berries and insects.
Which feeding places are suitable for feeding birds in winter
In order to attract as many species as possible in winter, it is important to have various birdhouses available. While simple bird feeders like hoppers and platforms are always popular, the feeders you use in the winter should have several features in common. These are most useful when they have wide coverage over feeding openings, perches and dispensing trays to prevent seed from being buried during snowfalls or storms. The cover should extend several inches beyond the edge of the feeder to provide protection from all but the most severe storms. If a bird feeder doesn't have a built-in cover, you can add wide baffles to keep snow and ice out of it.
Ideally, you should place birdhouses in sheltered locations during the winter. This ensures that they are not exposed to the strongest winds. Additionally, placing feeders closer to the house is more effective. This also helps keep the birds visible for indoor bird watching. At the same time, you should position feeders near protective cover such as hedges or a brush pile to provide birds with protection from predators. To prevent window collisions, keep feeders no more than 5 feet from a wall or window.
Tips for keeping a bird feeder clean and safe
Large capacity feeders are more beneficial for winter feeding because you don't have to refill them as frequently. However, this is only possible if you can also protect the seeds from moisture. Otherwise mold or fungi may appear before consumption. Large-capacity covered feeders are suitable, while open feeders should be emptied and refilled daily to prevent mold and spoilage.
Because natural food sources are more scarce in the winter, more birds may be attracted to your feeders. You should therefore clean and disinfect them regularly. Proper cleaning minimizes mold, mildew, and other unhealthy conditions that could promote disease in backyard bird populations. When cleaning, discard any soggy seeds or bird seed trapped in ice. If possible, let the feeder dry before filling it with bird food again in winter. Also make sure to wipe down perches and other parts of the bird feeder.
Provide suitable winter food for birds
When feeding birds in winter, there are many options for high-quality food. Of course, it helps if it is as high in calories as possible and ideally consists of seeds, nuts and fat. Most birds that visit backyards or gardens during snowy weather feed on seeds because insects and fruits are naturally harder to find in winter. Accordingly, the best food for birds in colder weather has a high fat or oil content, which provides plenty of energy for winter survival. Nutritious winter foods for birds include black sunflower seeds, shelled peanuts or peanut hearts, black seed, suet and mixtures of seeds or fruits, peanut butter and white millet seeds.
Take this into accountChoosing bird foodand other foods for winter feeding, which species of birds occur in winter and what foods they prefer to avoid excessive wastage of seeds. Many birders also prefer to use zero-waste or clean seed mixes, such as hulled sunflower seeds, in the winter to avoid several months of husks accumulating under feeders in the spring. You can tell when seeds are substandard or spoiled when you find an abundance. This usually remains on the ground under your feeding areas.
What plants to grow to feed birds in winter?
You can also add plants for birds to your garden to provide them with even more winter feeding. Pick garden plants that bear seeds and berries during the winter period and that are native to your state or region, as these are the ones that birds recognize as safe to eat. Such winter plants are not only good food for your feathered friends, but also bring some color and life to your garden during the winter months. Some examples include beautiful fruit, holly, winterberry, black chokeberry, hackberry, crab apple, chokeberry, self-climbing maiden vine and viburnum. These plants not only provide garden birds with delicious seeds and berries, but also valuable shelter in winter.
Tips for Storing Bird Food
It's a good idea to stock up on bird seed in the fall, when many garden stores discount seeds to make room for winter produce. If stored properly, seeds can easily last for several months, especially seed mixes and sunflower seeds. To store seeds properly, store them in a cool, dry place away from pests and rodents. It's also best to choose a storage container that is easily accessible throughout the winter. You should be able to manipulate this easily even when wearing gloves and a thick coat. If you have a large scoop on hand to easily refill feeders, you will use more seeds to satisfy the birds' appetites over the winter. This means you always have an additional supply available during the winter.
Keep pests and predators away when feeding birds in winter
Just as food is scarce for birds in winter, squirrels, mice and other wildlife are also keen on it. There are a few steps you can take in this regardFeeding places for birdsto secure them and give them the peace of mind to return to your garden throughout the winter.
- Choose specialized feeders with pest control devices such as cages or baffles. Feeders made of thick plastic or metal resist chewing best.
- Position feeders several feet away from natural cover where birds can hide if necessary. However, these should not be too close so that there is no room for predators to set up an ambush.
- Also consider installing temporary fencing or mesh around feeders to keep predators and pests out.
- Place other types of food for pests, such as corn cobs for squirrels, in a different location. This means they will be less tempted to raid the bird feeders.
More tips on winter feeding
To make the most of winter bird feeding and streamline the process, you can take some smart steps:
- Clean feeders, platforms and perches after each storm so seeds are easily accessible to birds.
- Leave fruits and berries on trees, hedges and bushes to provide a natural food source for wild birds during the winter season.
- Add a heated birdbath and water source to your garden or place a safe heating element inBird baths in the garden. This will keep birds warm while you provide them with fresh water.
- Tamp or shovel snow around feeders so ground-feeding birds can have easier access to spilled seeds.
- Leave your purchased orbuilt nesting boxesand birdhouses are available all year round to provide birds with more winter quarters.