Domestic winter birds: How to help them survive the cold months more easily!

Winter can be a tough time for birds. But you can help your feathered friends. Attracting local winter birds to the garden is more successful if they have a place where they feel safe and comfortable even in bad weather. So by providing shelter, such as roosts or nesting boxes, you will help birds conserve valuable energy, especially on frosty winter nights and during storms. In this article you will find out how you can help your little friends in winter and which local winter birds are most famous!

Which are native winter birds

The males are black, with a bright orange-yellow bill and yellow eye ring. Females are brown, often with spots and stripes on the chest and brown beak. The blackbird is one of the most common birds and one of the most striking. Her soft singing is also very popular.

The house sparrow is found wherever there are houses (or other buildings) and only in a few places where there are none. Together with two other species, the starling and the rock dove, they are native winter birds that are most represented.

Its chirping, panting song and flashes of yellow and green in flight make this finch a truly colorful character. The greenfinch nests in a coniferous treein the gardenor feeds on black sunflower seeds. It is a regular garden visitor, finding food in rural and urban gardens.

Male yellowhammers are distinctive with their bright yellow head and underparts, brown, black-striped back and chestnut brown rump. In flight they display white outer tail feathers. You can often see them sitting on a hedge or bush singing.

The grosbeak is the largest finch and has a massive, powerful beak. Grosbeaks are typically shy and difficult to see, but they are becoming increasingly difficult to spot as their traditional breeding areas have declined in recent years.

Other native winter birds include: Brambling, Chaffinch, Siskin, Tree Sparrow, Bullfinch, Black Redstart, Dunnock, Blackcap, Robin, Waxwing, Starling, Goldfinch, Wren.

What local birds need in winter

In many ways, birds are just like us! They need food, water, shelter and a reliable internet connection. (We're just checking to make sure you're actually reading this!) Making sure your little friends have everything they need takes a year-round effort.

Food is very important in the cold months

In the summer months, the birds' main diet consists of insects and spiders. Fruits and berries are added over the course of the growing season. In winter the selection is even smaller. To feed the winter birds, you need to create foraging opportunities and, if necessary, provide high-quality feed and suet. You want to give the birds as little effort as possibleso much food(good fats) as possible. Each species has its own preferences, both in terms of the type of food and where it is fed. Some take seeds from a feeder, others, like pigeons, like to forage on the ground. Here are some suggestions for suitable food:

  • Sunflower seeds with black oil (these have the best flesh to shell ratio)
  • Shelled peanuts
  • Suet (beef fat or natural peanut butter)
  • High quality seed mix
  • Nyjer or thistle seeds
  • Mehlwürmer
  • The safflower seed
  • Remains of fruits and berries on trees and bushes
  • More
  • Raisins or currants or other fruits (without preservatives) – soak them in water to soften them.

The best tips for feeding birds

  • Bird feeders should be placed in places protected from the wind in winter. Placing the feeders closer to the house will allow you to better observe the birds. The feeding stations should be placed near shelters such as hedges or bushes,about the birdsto protect from predators. Place feeders a few feet away from natural cover where birds can hide if necessary, but not so close that predators can set an ambush.
  • It's not just birds that have to contend with harsh winter conditions. Offer food to other animals in a different location, e.g. B. Corn cobs for squirrels so that they are less tempted to raid the feeders.
  • To avoid collisions with windows, place feeders no more than three feet from a wall or window and use window tape or other techniques to prevent birds from touching the glass.
  • Bird feeders are most useful in winter when they have a wide cover over the openings, perches and dispensing trays to prevent seeds from spilling during snowfalls or storms.
  • When cleaning, discard soggy seeds and allow the feeder to dry before refilling. Also wipe down perches, poles, and other parts of the feeder.
  • To store seeds properly, they should be stored in a cool, dry place away from pests and rodents.

Leave fruits and berries hanging from trees, hedges and bushes to provide a natural winter food source.

Always have fresh water available

Birds need fresh water year-round, and fresh water can be difficult to find in the winter months when everything is frozen. Have fresh water on hand: prevent freezing with an outdoor water remover. You can tooUse birdbathsto provide fresh water when you install an electric or solar water heater and change the water regularly. It is important to keep the water shallow (3 cm or less) to avoid drowning accidents. Some of these products have deep shells that prove dangerous to birds. They know how to access pond water, but a large bowl is a whole different challenge.

Domestic winter birds: selection of bird feeders

Different birds use different types of feeders and eat different types of bird food. To attract a wide variety of winter birds, set up multiple feeders at different heights and designs. Let the large species have their high, standing feeders and give them to the smaller onesBird feeding places, which are only suitable for their size and weight. The squirrels will decide what they prefer, whether you want it or not. Wash your feeders every one to two weeks and disinfect them with a bleach solution before using them again. This will prevent the spread of disease and prevent mold from forming. Also, clear away the snow so that the birds have enough space to stand and eat.

Create shelter for the little friends

Provide trees and bushes for natural protection. Make sure birdhouses are secure. The best shelter is of course trees and bushes where the birds can rest and protect themselves from cold weather.