What to do against mice in the garden? These measures are effective and non-toxic!

Encountering a mouse in your garden is not unusual, in fact it is quite the opposite - gardens are part of the natural habitat of rodents. And while a small number appearing isn't a problem, an infestation is sure to give you a headache. What to do against mice in the garden - in this article you will get tips on which non-toxic products and animal-friendly methods are best suited to keep them away!

How can you tell if you have mice in your garden?

If you want to get rid of mice in the garden, you first need to make sure that they are mice and not rats. What is the difference and how do you recognize it? At first glance, rats and mice look the same, but there are a few characteristics that make them easy to distinguish. The most obvious is size – a mouse is 3-10 cm long, while a rat can reach up to 25 cm in length. Mice are easily identified by their light gray or brown fur with a light belly, while rats' color is darker and can vary from gray-brown to rusty brown.

Now let's also pay attention to the signs that indicate that you have mice in your garden. Different species cause different damage.

If you notice small mounds of dirt, they are caused by voles digging tunnels to nibble on the roots of the flowers and shrubs you are growing. If you notice damage to your vegetable crops, it is usually caused by a field vole or water vole.

You can recognize the fire mouse, which is particularly dangerous because it not only causes significant damage but also transmits the dangerous hantavirus, by the dark stripe on its back.

  • Interesting facts: Hantaviruses can cause serious illness in humans. The pathogens are transmitted by rodents, with different types of rodents spreading different types of viruses.

Caution!Before you ask yourself the question – what to do about mice in the garden, you should make sure that the species in question is not protected. The shrew is one of the protected species, but moles cannot be fought or caught alive. The control measures that you will find in this article are completely environmentally friendly and do not involve violent actions.

How can you get rid of rats in the garden – helpful tipscan be found here!

What to do about mice in the garden – drive rodents away with smells

Mice have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, which you can use to fight them. Here are some simple home remedies that will keep rodents away.

Manure and manure:These smells are extremely unpleasant for rodents. If you manage to get them from a farmer, you'll quickly get rid of the invaders. All you have to do is simply pour the contents onto the areas where there are mouse tracks. As a bonus, you provide the soil in your garden with plenty of nutrients.

Buttermilkis also an excellent home remedy that you can use to get rid of rodents. Pour them directly into the drain holes or soak a cloth and place it there. However, be warned that these unpleasant smells can cause problems with neighbors.

Here are some home remedies whose smell will only be unpleasant for rodents:

Home remedies for mice in the garden – essential oils: Mice cannot stand the smell of peppermint and eucalyptus. Put a few drops of the essential oil on a cloth and place it next to the mouse nest. Since the smell is strong and intense, they will rush to get rid of it.

Plant: It is not yet clear to what extent the scents of individual plants help drive away mice in the garden. However, there are some whose smell rodents find particularly unpleasant. These include garlic, thyme, chamomile, savory, dill.

Get rid of rodents by making noise

What to do against mice in the garden? In addition to smells, rodents are also very sensitive to noises. If you have a little patience, these simple methods can be successful.

Empty glass bottle & ultrasound:The easiest method is to place a glass bottle in a strategic location in your yard so that the bottle begins to clink with the slightest wind. There are also special ultrasonic devices whose waves are specifically designed to get rid of mice in the garden. Unfortunately, they are only a short-term solution to the problem, as the rodents quickly get used to the noise and come back.

  • Caution: Before using such a device, you should make sure that the sound waves do not pose a danger to your pets if you have any.

Set alarm clock: Another trick you can use is placing an alarm clock in mouse infested places. This method can also be used underground.

Fight mice in the garden by attracting predators

The cat remains one of the most effective methods of controlling mice in the garden. However, it is not the only natural predator that can help you. Another is the hedgehog, and to attract them to your yard, it is important that you avoid using artificial fertilizers.

Also read:How to get rid of moles with a plastic bottle or vinegar: it's that simple!