Garden owners have to water lawns and plants more frequently in the hot summer months and most people use the drinking water that comes from the tap to do this. However, the increased water consumption leads to high water supply costs and makes watering the garden a costly affair. With the right technology you can reduce water costs and ease the burden on your wallet. Today we will introduce you to a few measures that you can use to not only save water, but also save water.
In the garden, you can reduce your water costs by using free rainwater instead of tap water. This not only benefits your wallet, but also the plants. Rainwater is lime-free and has a low pH value, which is better for plant nutrition because lime-containing irrigation water can lead to nutrient deficiency and plant death. The cold water from the hose also means a cold shock for them, which can be saved with warm rainwater.
Rain barrels
The most cost-effective way to collect rainwater is thisSetting up a rain barrel, where water collects on rainy days for dry times. The rain barrel collects the rainwater from the gutter via a downpipe and is worthwhile for small gardens. Rain barrels come in different sizes - from 100 to 1000 liters capacity and are available in most hardware and garden stores. The most commonly used bin sizes are 300 and 500 liters. If you own a larger property, a single bin is not enough.
Another, but much more complex, option for using rainwater is cisternsbe installed above or below groundand have a capacity of several thousand liters. A cistern can be used not only for garden irrigation, but also for flushing toilets and anywhere in the household where drinking water is not required. Excess water can drain into the garden pond. The garden is watered using a garden pump directly with the garden hose.
However, such rainwater harvesting systems are quite expensive and the investment will only pay off after years. The acquisition costs are usually between 3,000 and 5,000 euros. If you want to build a cistern, you have to think about the savings potential and calculate it carefully in advance.
Use groundwater by building a well
An alternative to the cistern is your own garden fountain and the use of groundwater, which is available all year round. This is not an ornamental fountain, but rather a groundwater well for cheap water supply. Well water can be used to irrigate the garden as well as, for example, run a washing machine or flush toilet using a domestic waterworks. According to oneBrochure from the Federal Environment AgencyAround 700,000 people in Germany get their water from a private well. This corresponds approximately to the population of Frankfurt am Main.
Anyone who has a private one in their gardenDrill wellsIf you would like to do so, you must first inquire about the groundwater status and soil conditions through a soil survey, then submit an application and obtain permission from your municipality. The conditions for well construction vary depending on the federal state, but approval is usually obtained without any problems. The construction of a well can only be refused if the property is located in a water protection area. Once the depth of the groundwater has been determined and well construction is permitted, you must decide which construction technique you want to use to create the well.
When choosing the right type of fountain, you should first ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the well water used for and to what extent?
- Do you have low or high water consumption in the garden?
- How high is the groundwater level in the region?
- Will the fountain be built by a professional?
Ramming well or impact well
The ramming well tends to be the cheap, self-built variant with a low pumping capacity that you build according to instructions and hope that there are no problems lurking in the ground. The ramming well is not suitable for producing drinking water due to the low pumping depth, but allows for inexpensive irrigation of lawns, flower beds and cultivated areas.
Own drilled well with pump
The drilling well is definitely a matter for the specialist, who uses special drilling equipment to drill a hole down to the groundwater level and insert a filter pipe through which water is pumped. The purchase costs, including hourly wages, materials and pump technology, are usually high, but having your own well in the garden is worth it and is cheaper than a rainwater collection system.
Depending on the local circumstances, a drilled well can even be used to produce drinking water. According to an article from, for example, a family with a private well saves more than 150 euros in water costs per year.
Effective garden irrigation
For larger gardens, using the classic watering can is energy-consuming and time-consuming. Today you can save water in the garden with effective garden helpers and automatic irrigation systems. If you water with a lawn sprinkler, a large part of the water evaporates into the air, so it's worth looking at the alternatives.
Drip irrigation, for example, saves up to 70 percent of irrigation water compared to conventional irrigation methods. The roots of each plant are supplied with the required amount of water and precious water is prevented from evaporating or flowing away. You can also choose an above or below ground method. Also explore smart irrigation systems with moisture sensors and computer-controlled water delivery.