Which plants need pruning in January? You should cut these plants now!

Most plants are less active in winter than in autumn. But no leaves or flowers forming doesn't mean there's no gardening now. A caring pruning in January is particularly recommended for certain plants now. We list the plants that can benefit from pruning in winter.

Most plants are only cut after the permanent frost has passed. This way, frost damage can be avoided. However, there are plants that tolerate pruning in January better than pruning in March. This is because they are in what is known as sap dormancy in winter. This means that the process of water transport has come to a standstill for a certain period. In winter there is hardly any possibility of fungal spores and bacteria multiplying. Therefore, the cuts can heal better and the plant is then less susceptible to various pathogens. Pruning in spring is also an option for various houseplants.

Cut winter jasmine now

The false jasmine, still known as winter jasmine, is heavily pruned in January. The shoots are cut to 40 cm above the ground. Young plants under 2 years of age do not require pruning. From the third year onwards, gentle pruning can be carried out to give the plant the desired shape. From the fourth year onwards, the shoots are shortened to promote flower formation and growth.

Pruning in January: Forsythia

The forsythia also needs a rejuvenation cut in winter. You should do this before the flowering period. If you shorten your plant in January, you will give it enough time to recover. Only up to five main shoots are left. All others are cut off close to the ground. The remaining shoots are left at different heights. They will then grow vigorously and branch out in spring. However, flowers only form after one, in many cases two years. Young plants do not need pruning in January, older trees need such a radical pruning every three to four years.

When to cut the roses? Only after the forsythia forms flowers

For roses, the timing of pruning can vary greatly depending on the weather conditions. A cut in January is exceptionally an option if the winter is very mild. The forsythia can serve as a guide - if the shrub produces its flowers, you can also shorten the rose plants in the garden. However, this usually doesn't happen until the beginning of March.

Prune amaryllis after flowering

Amaryllis blooms beautifully in December. However, from January onwards the flower begins to wither. The flowers fall off by mid-February at the latest. Then is the right time to cut the stems with the flowers close to the ground. The leaves stay put.

Winter pruning for the pastures

Pollarded willows tolerate a topiary cut quite well in winter - you can also do this in January. They are very robust trees that do not mind frost and recover well after being cut in January. They then usually sprout vigorously and form a dense crown.

However, the harlequin willow is a little more sensitive to frost, so it will endFebruary cut. Weeping willows are only cut after the flowering period has ended. However, since heavy pruning is prohibited from March, you can only carefully thin out the weeping willow and give it a topiary cut.

Cut back the elder bush and elder tree from the end of January

As a rule, the best time for pruning is in late autumn. However, if you missed this, you can also cut the trees in January. The new shoots that the elderberry formed last year are left alone. Waste wood is cut off. Shrubs that have already been cut in autumn can also be shaped into the desired cone shape in January. For this purpose, you choose a central shoot and shorten the other shoots accordingly so that the typical cone shape is created.

Pruning in January: fruit trees

We have already listed three trees to be cut in January in our article regarding fruit trees:Apple, pear and quince. But there are also other fruit trees that can benefit from pruning in winter.

Apricot tree: Make corrective cuts in winter

Like all other deciduous trees, the apricot tree is leafless in winter. Then you can of course better recognize diseased, inwardly growing or weak branches. The so-called water shoots (very thin branches that grow upwards and do not produce fruits, flowers and leaves) are also removed.

Also only trim the plum tree lightly

In contrast to other fruit trees, a plum tree can only tolerate light, caring pruning. In this case too, January is recommended, especially because the tree will have shed its leaves by then and you can see the diseased branches better. Mainly old trees are rejuvenated, with the horizontal branches being removed.

Pruning in January: Currant bushes

Currants are usually cut from late January to late February. Young plants, i.e. bushes under three years old, are only abbreviated. Afterwards, only the old wood is removed and one-year-old fruit-bearing shoots are left standing.