There is hardly anyone who doesn't love tomatoes. Tomatoes are grown in gardens, in greenhouses, on balconies and terraces and are essential both fresh in the summer menu and as pickled vegetables. When you grow your own tomatoes, you need to take care of the healthy growth of the plants. One of the first care measures when they begin to grow is to remove the side shoots, which deplete the plants' energy and lead to unsatisfactory harvests. Which side shoots should I remove from tomatoes and should I prune tomatoes? We answer these questions and give tips on how to properly care for your tomato plants.
What are side shoots on tomatoes
How do you recognize tomato side shoots? Side shoots, or runners, grow where the trunk and branch of a tomato plant meet. Sometimes the cuttings only grow into a small set of small leaves. In other cases, they can grow into quite large branches - with a large main trunk and even more offshoots of their own. Side shoots absorb nutrients and disrupt the balance in the development of the above and below ground parts of the plant. They are competitors of the main tribe.
If you want high quality, good yields and large fruits, then you should remove runners from tomatoes, but if you don't overcare about the size of the tomatoesbut want a lot of fruits and not big fruits, you don't need to do this.
The main reason you should trim side shoots from tomatoes is to direct the plant's energy toward producing fruit rather than leaves. The sooner they are removed, the less energy is wasted. All tomato varieties produce side shoots, but some varieties are more prone to side shoot formation than others. What advantages this type of pruning of tomatoes brings:
- better air circulation around the plants and healthier tomato plants
- larger, more aromatic and tastier tomatoes
- faster ripening of fruits
- more effective protection against diseases and pests
- better quality of production
How to prune tomatoes
Removing suckers from tomato plants is easy. You don't need scissors, you can simply clip off the shoots with your fingernails. The process is simple and is carried out in one movement with a slight rotation in both directions. The fracture heals faster and easierthan with a cutwith a knife or scissors.
However, note that if the side branches have continued to grow and have already become thicker, the use of sharp and disinfected cutting tools is mandatory, and the cut is made about a centimeter above the base, otherwise you can injure the plant.
When to remove runners from tomato plants
The side shoots grow quickly, so you should check your plants regularly and remove the runners once a week. You can break out tomato side shoots when they reach any length, but they are easier to spot when they are about two inches tall. Be careful not to confuse the runners with the fruit head that grows from the main stem.
Gardening experts advise removing the shoots in the morning, on a dry day. In this way, the wound caused by removing the side shoot heals faster and the stress on the plant is reduced.
Did you know that you are greatTomatoesCan you plant side shoots and use them as cuttings for new plants? So if you have morewant to have tomato plants, do not throw away the removed runners. You can let them stand in a glass of water for a week or two, or use rooting gel.
What types of pruning help for proper growth
Are there different methods for pruning tomatoes and what are they? At different stages of plant development, there are different pruning methods that contribute to the proper development of the plant. Here are all the necessary methods you should learn if you want to enjoy a bountiful harvest.
Deep cutting of the side shoots
It is carried out at the initial stage of development and greatly helps the plant save energy.
Flat removal of the runners
Similar to deep cutting, in which the side shoots are carefully pulled away, but here you have to shorten tomato side shoots by only partially cutting them off so that the plant is not put under too much strain.
Carry out root pruning on tomato plants
This type of pruning helps tomatoes ripen faster and is done after fruit set and just before ripening. It is particularly suitable towards the end of the season when there are still many green tomatoes on the plant that are struggling to ripen. Part of the roots are scooped off about 10 cm from the middle of the stem. Of course, after removing the part of the roots, you should put the soil back in place.
When and why to peel tomatoes
This type of pruning involves breaking off the top of the plant above the top flower. This is done towards the end of the season, about a month before the first frost, and is a signal to the plant not to produce any more fruit.