How and when to cut buddleia: tips for butterfly bush care

The buddleia isa beautiful shrub, which produces dark purple flowers in summer. Its flower buds are not only pleasing to the eye, but also exude a pleasant scent. As long as the location and the soil meet its requirements, the shrub needs little care. However, the hobby gardener must not forget one thing: to prune it. We explain how and when you should cut the buddleia.

1. That's why you should cut the buddleia

The butterfly bush cannot cope without pruning. The plant quickly becomes woody and then stops producing flowers. Similar to thatmost berry bushesIt only produces flowers on new shoots. That's why a cut is essential. When does it occur and what should you pay attention to?

1.1. Cutting buddleia: The right time is crucial

The right time to prune is in spring. You can cut your shrub at the end of February - beginning of March, because then there is usually no longer any permanent frost and the plant has enough time until summer to form new shoots. Pruning in spring can delay flowering until the end of summer.

By the way, the buddleia is an invasive plant species. It spreads through seeds and can crowd out other plants in the home garden. Therefore, it is very important that you remove all seedlings in a timely manner. If you can't get the plant under control, for example because you're short on time or simply can't handle the tedious task, then it's best to remove it from the garden completely.

1.2. Cutting buddleia correctly: instructions

The butterfly bush is not an evergreen plant. However, if the weather remains relatively mild in the winter months and temperatures do not fall below 0° Celsius, it can retain its green foliage. Regardless of whether it has green leaves in spring or not, you should cut it back heavily in mid-February to early March. This promotes flower formation and growth. Proceed as follows:

1. Remove any old shoots that produced flowers last year.

2. Thin out the shrub by shortening thin and weak canes to ground level.

3. Competing rods should also be cut close to the ground. This way you can prevent them from forming new shoots in the spring.

4. Cut off any canes that produced flowers last year. Leave two leaves standing.

To complete the task quickly, you need the right garden tools. Since the shrub has thick branches, it is not always possible to cut them off with secateurs. In this case, the folding saw is ideal. Don't forget to wear equipment gloves.

Different cutting techniques for each type of buddleia

Of course, the cutting techniques differ for the different types of buddleia. The yellow buddleia, for example, is not winter-hardy and cannot be left outside in the cold season. In Germany it is therefore grown in buckets. In other countries where it grows in gardens, it is actually cut in May. However, we recommend pruning the potted plant in February. Of course, you then have to move the shrub into the greenhouse or an unheated room so that it doesn't freeze.

The alternate-leaved buddleia is also an exception. It produces flowers on old canes from the previous year. Therefore, a strong pruning is out of the question for him. Most hobby gardeners simply cut off the spent shoots and thin them out if necessary. In individual cases, for example if the alternate-leaved buddleia is heavily woody, it makes sense to cut it back at the beginning of spring.

Very important: After you cut the shrub, you should dispose of the cut branches so that it cannot spread in the garden and in nature.

1.3. Cutting buddleia: Useful tips

So that you can enjoy your buddleia for a long time, you should consider a few basic rules when cutting:

1. Thin the shrub annually. In principle, every old shoot that has not been cut off below the leaf base will form new shoots the next year. The shrub becomes too dense after just a few years. You lose track and cannot reach the old shoots to cut them off. Then they begin to become woody, the flower production slows down and the shrub loses its appeal. That doesn't have to be the case: save yourself effort and time and thin out the buddleia every year.

2. If the cut is done at the wrong time, the plant may die. Many hobby gardeners make the mistake of cutting back the shrub after it has bloomed in late summer or autumn. However, the freshly cut shoots do not have time to recover and can freeze during the first frost in October.

3. Cut off the shoots in the wrong place. You should cut old shoots at the second eye mark, and cut thin, diseased or competing branches back to near the ground. This way you can avoid radical pruning in the future.

4. Using the wrong garden tools. Since buddleia often becomes woody, you should always have a folding saw with you. This makes it easier to remove large old shoots and prevent the old wood from splintering.

Buddleia is a beautiful shrub that produces beautiful purple flowers. To ensure that it blooms long and profusely, you should cut it regularly and follow a few basic rules. All butterfly bush species tolerate vigorous pruning in spring. However, for some varieties it is not necessary: ​​the alternate-leaved buddleia does not require rejuvenation pruning, but can cope with regular thinning.