Cypress turns brown: what the causes are and how you can save your cypress!

Flat branches, airy needles and fast growth are the characteristic features of these evergreen plants. Cypress trees provide beautiful shelter for a variety of animals and songbirds, and when fully grown they take on a majestic, pyramidal shape. Although the cypress tree requires little care, its scaly needles can turn brown, which is quite worrying.

Finding out the cause of the trees turning brown should be your top priority. If you know what's going on with your cypress tree, you can provide it with relief. If you're wondering - "My cypress tree is turning brown: what should I do?" - read on to learn more about how to save your cypress tree!

Cypress turns brown due to incorrect location

Foto: Nahhana/ Shutterstock

If you want your cypress hedge to grow vigorously and look green, you need to choose a good location. The best location for your cypress is a partially shaded to full sun location with nutrient-rich and well-draining soil. Otherwise, a number of undesirable consequences may occur. Also protect the plant from severe frosts by choosing a location protected from the wind.

Be careful when transplanting

As the cypress gets used to its new home, it may turn a little brown if you have just transplanted the tree. As long as the tree receives proper care, this condition should only be temporary. Be careful not to damage the root structure and water the tree thoroughly. Mulch the root area to retain moisture in the tree.

Cypress in a pot (or hedge) has brown spots

Cypress trees often turn brown because they have been watered incorrectly. Overwatering and underwatering are two possible causes of brown tips and spots. Root rot and drought stress (also called water stress) can result from poor drainage or drought: Allow the soil to dry out gradually between waterings and water regularly. Browning of the leaves and possible root rot are symptoms of waterlogging or poorly draining soil. In summer, when the sun is strongest, you should water every 1 – 2 days. Mulch, as previously mentioned, is another means of retaining moisture in the soil.

Inadequate fertilization

Photo: Marco Taliani de Marchio/ Shutterstock

Cypress trees can turn brown due to lack of nutrients, which stunts their development and makes them appear unattractive. Proper nutrition is essential for strong and healthy development. To prevent or treat nutrient deficiencies, consider 2 tips: Fertilizing cypress trees early in their development phase in the spring is an excellent way to ensure they receive all the nutrients they need. Also use compost: it can be spread around cypress trees to enrich the soil and improve its quality.

Fungal diseases cause the tips to turn brown

Various fungal diseases cause the tips to turn brown:The fungus known as “cypress canker.”attacks the tree bark, causing the leaves to turn brown and eventually die. The location of the fungal infection can be identified by cracks in the bark where a canker growth has formed. If the tree has suffered only minor damage, the affected branches should be removed. The only way to prevent the fungus from spreading to neighboring trees is to cut them down once they have completely turned brown.

Problems with magnesium in older cypress trees

Foto: timallenphoto/ Shutterstock

All cypress trees are at risk from a general nutrient deficiency. The browning of the shoot tipsin cypress hedgesor individual trees is a symptom of magnesium deficiency, which is more common in older plants. Using so-called Epsom salt can help. This consists of magnesium sulfate and can improve the availability of magnesium in the soil.

Cypress turns brown on the inside

The internal browning of a cypress tree is usually not a sign of disease or neglect, but rather a natural phenomenon. Due to their dense growth, especially in larger specimens, there is a lack of light, which causes the needles to dry out and fall off. By removing less useful parts of the plant, the cypress can make better use of its resources.

Save cypress and prevent browning

Foto: Yulia_B/ Shutterstock

A mix of preventative measures and targeted treatments is necessary to combat cypress browning.

  • First you should consider your hedgeprune as necessary:If you notice dead or infected branches, remove them immediately. Pruning reduces the likelihood of disease spread and improves air circulation.
  • Proper watering:Water the soil regularly to keep it evenly moist but not waterlogged.
  • Disease control:If you would like a treatment strategy and more information about different fungicides, contact a garden center. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for fungicide application on cypress trees.

Cover photo: Ahanov Michael/ Shutterstock