Plants as a privacy screen for your garden: The best ideas and tips that can be very helpful

You don't need a fence to maintain your privacy when you can use plants to keep your nosy neighbor from entering.into your gardento look. There are a wide range of plants that can transform your property into a secluded retreat, and they can be much cheaper than installing a fence or other privacy screen. Below we will give you a few ideas about which plants you can use as a privacy screen for your garden.

Plants as privacy screens: Evergreen juniper

Juniper is not only popular in the kitchen, but several types of juniper are ideal as privacy screens and hedges. Its advantage is that it is evergreen and easy to care for. Many species grow up to 3 meters high or higher (reachable heights: 12 - 19 meters) and need a sunny to partially shaded location. The ground should be dry. Some species are better suited to large plots of land, while others, such as the Spartan species (Juniperus chinensis „Spartan“), can be planted closer together. Due to its dense foliage, the juniper is also a good way to block wind.

Interesting tip: Juniper is a medicinal plant, which is why juniper berries help with respiratory problems and digestive problems, for example. You can make tea or essential oils from the juniper.

One of the best plants for privacy: cypress

This tall, slender beauty is one of the best privacy trees for gardens. The decorative conifers – cypresses (Cypress) – are wonderful asPrivacy screen on the garden fence. This is the ideal choice when it comes to oneOutdoor area quickly privacyto lend. The trees grow quickly and up to 1.5 meters per year, so that after just a few years they can ward off prying eyes. However, before choosing this tree, keep in mind that rapid growth also means more maintenance required. You should initially trim the cypress hedge twice a year.

These privacy plants require a sunny or partially shaded location and do not like too much wind. If you plant them 30 centimeters apart, the privacy screen will quickly become opaque, or about 50 centimeters apart if you can wait.

Boxwood: fantastic privacy protection

boxwood (Evergreen boxwood) has long been used as an ornamental clipped hedge in formal gardens, but is also beautiful when less rigorously maintained. If allowed to grow freely, some species can reach heights of up to 6 meters. Many people think of boxwood as a deep green plant, but there are also beautiful white, variegated and golden types. Planted as a fence or in containers, it provides a rich “facade” and a lush, living wall that protects your garden from prying eyes. Although boxwood is a robust plant and a fantastic privacy screen, it grows more slowly. However, it is perfect if you are looking for an easy-care plant. Boxwood is known for being easy to prune and shape into any shape you desire.

Boxwoods grow best in full sun, in moderate or cooler climates, with an average amount of rainfall. Their advantage is that they are very long-lived plants and should only be cut once a year.

Bamboo: a popular plant for privacy

Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world and can therefore quickly form a lush and exotic privacy screen. Some bamboo species are invasive, so they may need to be contained when planted in the ground. Therefore, choose a slow-spreading species or plant the bamboo in large, raised planters to keep it under control.

The Golden Bamboo –Phyllostachys Aurea– is recommended as one of the best privacy plants for your garden as it has a wonderfully vibrant golden trunk with evergreen foliage. At first the stems are green, then they mature to a bright golden yellow.

The bamboo has a modern look, making it a good choice if you are a fanof modern garden ideasand need something that offers quick protection. Plant it in full sun or partial shade, in moist but well-drained soil. Water it regularly during the growing season because bamboo is a thirsty plant.

Western tree of life

The Trees of Life (Western thuja)are the most commonly used plants as privacy screens. There are many reasons why thuja is one of the most popular plants for a living privacy fence. Their dense, evergreen foliage forms a dense hedge when the trees are properly spaced. Thuja tolerates most soil conditions, is cold-resistant and easy to care for. There are different species with different growth, from dwarf to giant. When choosing a spot, pay attention to the height and width of the plant and also that this plant needs good drainage, a generally dry environment and full sun. The arborvitae does well in almost any environment except extreme heat or extreme cold.

Laurel cherry

The dense, evergreen foliage of the laurel hedge canwith annual pruningform a beautiful privacy screen up to three meters high. Planted in a sunny location and in well-drained soil, a laurel hedge will reward you with white flowers in spring. It is well suited for people who live in areas with harsher winters because it is cold hardy.

The laurel cherry (Prunus laurocerasus)has beautiful, glossy, medium green, egg-shaped leaves and is a popular privacy plant in many gardens because it is easy to care for and can be kept in shape by light pruning.

Good tip: The leaves and seeds of the laurel cherry are very poisonous. Be sure to keep your children from putting parts of plants in their mouths.