Garden design on a slope – playing with ups and downs

Gardens on a slope cause a variety of problems and are a real challenge for homeowners. TheMow the lawnis difficult, everything has to be done on a slope, nutrients and sufficient irrigation are hardly retained in the soil and so on. Here are a few ideas aboutGarden design on the slope, which could help you control stormwater runoff and choose the right plants for a low-maintenance slope garden.

If you have a garden on a steepCreate a slopeIf you want, you can try placing large stones and rocks there and planting perennials in between. In this way, the moisture in the soil is preserved and the erosion of the earth is slowed down.

Garden design on a slope with ground cover plants

One of the easiest ways to green a steep slope isGround coverto plant there. These plants form a beautiful natural carpet and protect the soil from erosion. Ground cover plants are perennial plants that require almost no maintenance and thrive in any location. Vinca periwinkle, cushion phlox, ivy, cushion thyme, yellow stonecrop are just a few of the many ground cover varieties that would totally change the look of your hillside garden.

Retaining walls for the hillside garden

To solve the problem of having a very steep sloped garden, consider terracing the site. Patios resemble large steps and allow the gardener to solve drainage problems caused by water runoff. This way, the selection of plants for this newly created, flat area is much larger.

Every terrace must be well secured with several retaining walls at different levels. Bricks, palisades, concrete elements and Corten steel plates are used for the retaining walls built into the slope.

Rocks covered in moss

use the inclination creatively

Ground cover between stone steps

yellow flowering ground cover

Ornamental grasses, black ornamental gravel - terraced slope with plants

Hosta hostas planted in a row

purple cushion thyme

Hillside with hedge plants

Frame stairs with plants

Lush planting