Planting sloped beds in an attractive and easy-care manner is not easy. Garden owners face a lot of problems such as soil that slips or is too dry. That's why it's important to permanently green the slope area. Plants form strong roots that prevent erosion and hold the soil in place. Below you will find out which plants are best suited for planting on slopes and what else you need to consider.
Tips for planting on slopes
Should I only use one type of plant for hillside planting or would a mixture of different plants be better?
It is not a good idea to plant the slope with only one type of plant. Your attempt to create a unified look could then end up highlighting dead plants, bare spots or weeds. Green the embankment with a mixture of several types of plants such as trees, shrubs, perennials and ground covers. If you only want to choose carpet-forming plants, choose a mix of ground covers that bloom at different times.