Liquid fabric softener is great for eliminating static electricity in laundry, but did you know it can also be used outside of the washing machine? There are many different ways to use it that are non-standard. What else you can use fabric softener for is the topic of this article.
DIY dryer sheets
Instead of throwing away dryer sheets after every wash, you can make them yourself. All you need is a few cups of water, your favorite liquid fabric softener, and simple kitchen sponges. You will also need an airtight container to store the sponges in. Place the sponges in the container and pour your mixture over them. When it's time to put the laundry in the dryer, take 1 sponge, squeeze out the excess liquid and throw it in the dryer.
Run the drying cycle as usual. Once dry, place the sponge back in the container to dry again. When you run low on liquid, simply mix up a new batch and pour it over your sponges.
Use fabric softener to remove wallpaper
Start by scoring the wallpaper with a wire brush. Next, mix one capful of fabric softener in 1 liter of water. Then take a sponge and dab it on the wallpaper. Then leave it on for 20 minutes. You should then be able to scrape off the wallpaper. If it's difficult, add more of the water mixture to the wallpaper and let it sit again.
Minimize static electricity
If everyone in your house seems to be constantly charged or getting electrocuted after stepping on the carpet, liquid fabric softener is the solution. All you need is 2L of water and 1 capful of your favorite softener. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Gently spray your carpet before bed and let it dry overnight. That should help for a few weeks.
Treating hard water stains & hairspray residue
Hard water stains on glass can be difficult to remove. Apply full strength fabric softener to the stain. Let it sit for 10 minutes and the stain should come off easily.
What else you can use fabric softener for – For hairspray residue: Mix one part fabric softener with one part water. Spray the residue and wipe it off with a dry cloth.
Clean burnt food from pots and pans
It can be difficult to remove burnt or burnt food from your pots and pans. It can also ruin your pans. Fill your pan with warm water and add a few drops of fabric softener. Let the water sit for about 60 minutes and the burnt food should be easy to wipe off. If they don't come off completely, repeat the process again.
What other home remedies make burnt pots and pans shine?You can find out here!
What else you can use fabric softener for – clean paint brushes
No matter how hard you try to clean them, sometimes brushes still get tough. Luckily, there is a simple solution to this. Take an old coffee can, fill it with water and add a teaspoon of fabric softener. Mix well and dip your brushes into it.
Use fabric softener to remove pet hair
Pet hair seems to stay in the carpet no matter how often you vacuum. Mix two parts water to one part fabric softener in a spray bottle. Lightly spray this mixture onto your carpet before vacuuming. You should find that this method picks up more pet hair.
How to remove dog hair in the caryou can read here!
For cleaning hard surfaces
Any hard surface in the house tends to collect dust. Mix 50ml of fabric softener with water in a spray bottle and simply spray onto a cloth and wipe over desired surfaces. Wipe it with a clean, dry cloth and it will minimize the amount of dust that settles.
Use fabric softener as an insect repellent
If you have a spot in your home where bugs seem to congregate, liquid fabric softener is the solution. Fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of fabric softener. Spray the areas where the bugs like to hang out. Bedbugs hate strong smells, so they should stay away.
As a room and toilet freshener
For space: In a spray bottle, mix one part fabric softener, 2 tablespoons baking soda, and 2 parts water. Spray it throughout the house to eliminate everyday odors.
For toilet tank: This hack showed how fabric softener can get rid of unpleasant odors with every flush without damaging your toilet system. Add 200ml of fabric softener to the toilet's tank and every time you flush it will release a sweet aroma throughout the room.
How can you make your own room scent?Find out here!
What else you can use fabric softener for – removing car stickers
This hack works on heavily stuck window and car stickers. Start by peeling off as much of the sticker as you can. To then remove the sticky adhesive residue, dilute equal parts fabric softener with hot water and wipe the area with it. After gentle scrubbing, the decal and adhesive should come right off.