10 uncomplicated balcony plants for late summer and autumn: tips for growing and caring for them

Are you wondering which flowers for the balcony go well with this time of year? Here you will find 10 uncomplicated balcony plants for late summer and autumn that are easy to grow. All plants included are perfectly suited to the season and will ensure that your container garden looks fantastic well into the winter.

You want to enjoy the blooms of the flowers until late in the fall and that isn't difficult at all if you choose some of these blooming flowers that are also bee-friendly. Here we give someGrowing tipsand caring for balcony plants in late summer and autumn that will help you keep your balcony pretty.

Asters bloom until October

The flowering period for asters lasts from August to October. The plants are not only suitable for the garden, but also for pots on the balcony. So if you're planting a fall container in late summer, they're ideal. Asters not only look bright and cheerful in a pot, they are also a good source of pollen and nectar for butterflies and bees and an easy way to make your outdoor space bee-friendly.

Asters in containers need to be grown in well-draining compost. Plant in multipurpose compost in planting holes slightly deeper than the pot the young plant came from. The magnificent flowers will beDecorate your balcony beautifully. After flowering, the plants should be cut back and then overwintered. Store them in a cold frame or greenhouse during the coldest months.

Hardy chrysanthemums for the balcony

Hardy chrysanthemums bloom in October and November and are therefore ideal as autumn plants for pots and hanging baskets on the balcony. Place them in a sunny location and if you cut them regularly they will just keep blooming. Miniature or shorter varieties of hardy chrysanthemums are the best options for pots.

Early autumn flowering varieties bloom in September and late autumn flowering varieties begin to show their breathtaking colors in October. Each variety is different, but most plants continue to bloom for four to eight weeks. Because these flowers have shallow roots, they are also prone to drying out. Therefore, do not let the plants dry out. Mulching also helps keep the soil moist.

This is another pretty plant to plant in a fall container. Cyclamens have unusual, delicate flowers on slender stems and a background of pretty leaves. Choose between white or shades of pink and red. If you choose these flowers, make sure you buy a hardy variety such as Cyclamen hederifolium or Cyclamen coum; Some varieties are only suitable for indoor cultivation.

Cyclamens don't like low sub-zero temperatures (don't let them drop below 10°C), so on a frosty night move them away from the windowsills and further into the room. The best location for them is a place protected from the elements, especially heavy rain.

Grow carnations as balcony flowers for colorful flowers

Carnations work well as container plants and like a location in partial shade, with three to six hours of sunlight per day. They do not thrive in locations with direct, hot sunlight. This plant prefers well-drained soil. Pollinators love carnations. The plant's single, open flowers, which sway above wiry stems, are rich in nectar. Carnations are easy to care for in planters. Keep the soil moist and fertilize every 4 to 6 weeks with a good slow-release fertilizer. Pruning your plants also ensures that they grow and stay healthy.

Autumn crocus grows well in containers

Fall crocus is a fantastic flower for fall planters. There are many varieties. “Autumn Queen” blooms early, “Innocence” is a white eye-catcher and “Pink Goblet” smells of honey. Plant the bulbs 8-10cm deep in pots filled with compost. Autumn crocuses are easy to care for and thrive in full sun or partial shade.

Space the tubers 3 to 4 cm apart and plant them to the edge of the pot. Fill the pot with more compost and slightly firm soil. Water well and place the pot in a bright, warm place.

Winter heather blooms in winter

Winter heather will really earn its place in a fall container, offering an abundance of textured flower spikes in a variety of colors. The heather continues to bloom even in winter. Depending on the variety, the flower may prefer a more acidic or alkaline soil pH. The plants do not need to be pruned, but for optimal flowering you can prune them back after flowering. For longer blooms, it is best to prune them heavily in early spring.

Dahlias can bloom until frost

Dahlias are delicate flowers that bloom magnificently in late summer. They are available in a wide range of flower colors and plant heights and give any location the desired floral display. Prune the plants after flowering and they will bloom until frost. If winters are cold, dig up the tubers after a killing frost and store them in sawdust or peat moss in a cool, dry place. Transplant in spring.

Dwarf and low-growing dahlia varieties are best suited for growing inPots on the balcony. If you choose a tall type, you will need a larger pot. A single tuber requires around 30 to 60 cm of space. Note that if you plant multiple tubers in one pot, they may not receive enough sunlight. Keep plants well watered so they thrive and bloom for a long time.

Pansies are hardy

Pansies look delicate, but they are very robust. Plant them from late summer to mid/late fall so they will bloom throughout the winter and the following spring. Planting pansies from late summer to early fall is ideal as the pansies then have time to become established before winter. Plant them in a container on the balcony and place the container in a location that receives partial sun to partial shade. Bright sunlight can burn pansies. Any type of planter is suitable for pansies, but the container must have a drain to allow excess water to drain through the container.

Plant the evergreen spurge in pots

Spurge is a great plant not only for the garden, as there are also compact evergreen varieties thatare well suited for pots. Good varieties include “Silver Swan,” “x martinii,” and “Blackbird.” The flowers generally require a sunny location and fertile, well-drained soil. However, some varieties are shade tolerant. If you are growing spurge on the balcony, standard cactus potting soil should be completely sufficient. When watering, pay attention to how moist the soil feels. You should wait to water your plant until the top few inches of soil are completely dry.

Snapdragons attract pollinators

One of the most beautiful plants for cool-season color, snapdragons thrive throughout the winter. Snapdragons love temperatures around 5°C at night and 21°C during the day, making them ideal for autumn.

Choose a planter with drainage holes that is both wider and deeper than your plants. Locations with full sun promote lush flowering. They also tolerate partially sunny locations. Snapdragons are a good choice for attracting pollinators like bumblebees. The bumblebee is the only bee strong enough to separate the jaws of the snapdragon and penetrate the flower to collect pollen.