Amaryllis is often seen this time of year, decorating homes with its bright red petals. The plant takes six to eight weeks to flower if planted in mid to late September. This is a festive houseplant that is relatively easy to care for. However, you can make some mistakes when caring for amaryllis. Here you will find out how to properly care for the plant and what mistakes to avoid!
Where can you grow the ornamental plant
These magnificent plants look great in beds, borders or outdoor containers. They can also be scattered throughout the landscape in natural areas. Planted in groups, they look particularly attractive. Best of all, amaryllis bulbs are considered resistant to deer and many rodents. The amaryllis is also a striking houseplant that is surprisingly easy to grow. Brighten up your home with its stunning trumpet-shaped flowers, strap-shaped leaves and delicate scent. The plant has tall flower clusters, reaching 30cm to 60cm in some varieties, and the flower heads are large and dramatic.
Best of all, these plants bloom throughout the long winter months, which is something to look forward to every year. For this reason and because they are so easy to care for, amaryllis are popular gift plants at Christmas and the holidays. Below we will show you everything you canabout careneed to know about amaryllis. You will learn what kind of light, water, soil and fertilizer they need so that you can grow the plant correctly and avoid mistakes when caring for amaryllis!
1. Overwatering causes bulbs to rot
Too much water can cause the onion to rot. The vessels must have drainage, otherwise the bulbs will rot. For hydroculture, the base of the bulb must be above the water level. After planting, no additional water needs to be given for the first week until the leaves and stem appear. The onion is now forming new roots, so be carefulwith wateringcan begin. Do not water the onion until the surface of the soil is dry again.
2. Mistakes when caring for amaryllis: improper fertilization
The onions develop uniform growth with light fertilization from May to September. They are particularly heavy eaters, so additional doses of algae extracts, fish hydrolysates and compost teas improve growth and vitality. Until the end of the flowering period, additional plant nutrition is not necessary as the bulb is sufficientcontains nutrients. Only after flowering, when the leaves have developed, should you start feeding your amaryllis if you want to get it to bloom again.
3. Avoid poor tillage
Mix in leaf mold and compost to develop a healthy, friable soil structure to increase microbial activity. We recommend using fast-draining soil or a mix of soil, peat and perlite. Do not use pine bark as it can promote rot. Add one to two inches of moist potting soil in the bottom of the pot.
4. Too much sunlight in summer
An amaryllis likes a bright and warm climate between 18 and 25° C and can tolerate direct sunlight. So a spot right next to a window is perfect. Morning sun until midday and shade until 4 p.m. is good for the plant. Summer afternoon sun is harsh and leaves bleach, affecting photosynthesis and robbing bulbs of stamina.
5. Mistakes when caring for amaryllis: Stress for the bulbs
The bulbs need constant access to moisture and nutrients. Uneven growth conditions lead to areduced floweringand a gradual decline (shrinking) of bulbs. Healthy onions are surprisingly resilient and resist pests and diseases. However, pest and/or disease problems must be addressed immediately to limit damage to the plant.
6. Planting bare root onions at the wrong time
Divide the bulbs and plant them only in the months of April and October. Bulbs with the root ball and soil intact can be transplanted at any time of the year. Plant them so that about 2/3 of the bulb is in the soil; the neck should remain above the ground. Before planting, it is best to soak the bulb with the roots in water for half a day so that it can more easily form new roots. If you plan to plant the bulb later, you should keep it in a cool place between 5 and 12°C to prevent it from sprouting prematurely.
7. Not knowing how amaryllis blooms
The amaryllis bulb has the ability to bloom for two consecutive years. A good culture now ensures a display of flowers and initiates “inflorescences” for next year’s flowering. These bulbs, planted in pots for winter blooms, must have a healthy root system.
Also read:How to overwinter Amaryllis & get them to bloom again