The amaryllis is a commonly seen decoration at Christmas because that is when it is in bloom. If you've gotten your plant through the year well, you'll probably want to get it to bloom again this year. But how exactly should you overwinter Amaryllis and get them to bloom again?
Nothing moves in the pot or the amaryllis (Hippeastrum) sprouts leaves first, even though they only grow after flowering? Then you may not have done something right. But we want to change that!
Overwintering amaryllis and making it bloom again: how do you do it right?
In principle, if you reduce watering, preparations for wintering, if not dormancy, begin as early as August and September. Usually the leaves have already withered so you can cut them off. If you haven't already done so, do so as soon as possible. You don't even need to water anymore. The late summer andAt the beginning of autumnThese are the right times for the start of wintering.
Overwintering the tuber – this is how you prepare it
In October you will have enough time for the next preparations that are essential for new blooms. Above all, the rest phase and the subsequent start of the new growth phase are extremely important. IfYour amaryllis only leaves but no flowersthen the overwintering probably didn't go well.
This step is about the onion. How do I overwinter Amaryllis correctly?
- Remove the tuber from the pot and carefully remove andwithout waterEarth that may have remained.
- Wrap them in newspaper.
- Now store the wrapped knight star tubers in a dry and cool place. The basement is ideal for this.
- The ideal temperature at which you overwinter Amaryllis is 8 to 15 degrees.
- This leaves the amaryllis without water for at least 5 weeks.
Tipp:Don't have a cool cellar available? Then just use your fridge! The onion can be easily stored in the vegetable compartment. But be sure to consider:Amaryllis are very poisonous, which is why you should not only pack them well, but also make sure that no one accidentally eats them.
Overwintering Amaryllis and making it bloom again – When does the dormant phase end?
Once you've wrapped the amaryllis bulb and refrigerated it, you can start counting the weeks. It needs the low temperatures for at least 5 weeks. Would you like thatAmaryllis for Christmasto bloom, you can use this as a guide for the beginning of the cool dormant phase. Then allow a few more weeks of growth time for the stem and bud.
In principle, you can interrupt the resting phase about a month before the flowering period is supposed to arrive (but under no circumstances before the 5 weeks are over).
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A new life cycle begins
After the rest period, you can replant the amaryllis bulb and hibernate the flower in the pot from now on. To be more precise, with this step you officially end the dormant phase, but hibernation lasts until February. After you do theOverwinter amaryllisAnd so that you can get them to bloom again, you should also pay attention to a few things:
How to care for the amaryllis after overwintering:
- After the rest period you have to overwinter the amaryllis in the pot. Use the same container orrepotand take a larger one if the tuber has grown.
- The pot shouldn't be much larger than the flower bulb because the plant likes it tight.
- Find a dark place for the planted pot that is ideally cool.
- Water rarelyand only in sips.
- The new flower stalk should appear soon.
- Gradually increase the watering and water a little more often
- You only give the amaryllis the normal amounts of water when the newly sprouted flower stalk has grown to around 10 centimeters long. The soil should then always be moderately moist.
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Plant amaryllis without soil
You've probably seen decorations with knight's stars where theOnions on a jarsit and only the roots are in the water. Is it really that good? It is certainly possible as a temporary cultivation method, but it is also very strenuous for the plant. If you want to continue caring for it after flowering and then overwinter the same amaryllis and get it to bloom again, avoid it or keep the time as short as possible.
How to overwinter a waxed amaryllis
It's trendy, thatAmaryllis plant coated with waxto cultivate. This not only looks very pretty, but also makes care easier in a certain way. But can you continue to care for them after flowering and make them bloom again next winter?
Whether you can overwinter an amaryllis in wax depends on whether and how badly it was damaged during the coating. In any case, the wax must be removed. From then on you have to hope for luck. In order for the tuber to grow, the roots must not be too damaged and must grow back. So you just have to try and store the amaryllis properly after flowering: plant the bulb and care for it as usual. If the tuber actually recovers and sprouts, you can overwinter the amaryllis and get it to bloom again, exactly as described above.
Also read:Lantana overwinter in the garage or in the apartment: How you should care for your plant in winter!