You have invested so much time and passion in caring for this popular cactus, and to your great joy it has finally formed flower buds, but suddenly you realize with shock: the Christmas cactus is losing buds! A mix of disappointment and anger and perhaps even desperation arises within you. What could it be? What did you do wrong when it seemed like the plant was doing just fine? We have summarized for you what the causes could be and how you can possibly save the flowers or at least prevent the problem in the next flowering phase.
Location and care are determined by the vegetation phase
You know the needs of the Christmas cactus regarding theCare and locationAll too good, after all, you got the plant through the year wonderfully and also almost managed to get the Christmas cactus to bloom. So in your opinion that shouldn't be the problem? This is not entirely true, because the needs depend on what phase the plant is currently in. Furthermore, sudden changes can stress the plant. These could be the reasons that the Christmas cactus loses buds:
Christmas Cactus Loses Buds – Are You Really Taking Care of It Properly?
Fertilizer and water are essential for the good development of the cactus plant. What you should keep in mind:
Watering Christmas cactus
Don't be fooled by the fact that it's a cactus. In contrast to other relatives, it still requires sufficient water. While watering should be sparse during the dormant phase, the plant needs moderate moisture during all other periods - so the root ball should be moist, but not wet. Waterlogging is harmful. Only with enough water can the cactus supply its flower buds and develop them into flowers. If there is a lack of moisture, the plant drops the buds so that they can be used for the rest of the plant parts.
Fertilize Christmas cactus at the right time
Of course, nutrients are very important so that the plant can grow and have enough strength to produce flowers. But from a certain point onwards, the fertilizer application should be stopped, otherwise there will be an excess, which will lead tothat the Christmas cactusloses its buds. Ideally, fertilize with liquid fertilizer once a month from April to September.
What should you pay attention to regarding the surroundings?
We have already explained to you to what extent the site conditions have to change in order for the Christmas cactus to have oneproduce new flowerscan. After a cooler and darker phase, these change again. These are the rules:
- It's not just watering the roots that's important. This tropical specimen generally likes it humid, so you should pay attention to thathumidityregard. When the plant forms buds, the heating season is usually in full swing, which in turn means dry heating air. And this causes the Christmas cactus to lose buds.
The solution:Spray the leaves twice a week with a spray bottle and place the pot on a container filled with water and stones instead of in a saucer. The water in this container gradually evaporates, keeping the air around the plant moist.
- After the cold phase of 10 to 15 degrees to promote floweringthe Christmas cactus needsagain his favoriteTemperatureof (at most) 20 degrees. No matter whether it is too warm or too cold, the wrong temperature will cause not only flower buds to fall off, but probably other parts of the plant as well.
- We explained how important this is in our article on promoting floweringLichtand more precisely the dark phase. As soon as the first buds have emerged, the cactus can be moved back to a bright place, but it must not be in direct sun, because the Christmas cactus will lose buds and flowers in no time.
- If you oftenChange locationor even just turning the plant too often can result in bud loss. This is because the plant quickly gets used to its location and is then reluctant to “leave” it. So avoid this.
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Christmas cactus loses buds - why incorrect repotting can cause harm
You may have suddenly realized that the pot your cactus is growing in has actually become way too small. It is possible that the hanging shoots have become so heavy and are growing more on one side that the plant tips over more often. Of course, you want to change that by getting her a larger bucket. But you could do more harm than good if you choose the wrong time. And the heyday is just such a wrong time.
Repotting the Christmas cactus puts stress on it as it forces it to put effort into getting used to it. The energy that he actually puts into flower formation. Accordingly, the plant “decides” that it is more important to protect the main part and concentrates on developing new roots and the Christmas cactus loses buds, which are no longer adequately cared for. This is why you carry out this care measure firstafter floweringthrough.
At first it appears to be happy to bloom and then suddenly the flower buds fall off
The hobby gardener is of course immensely pleased when he finds masses of buds on his well-cared for plant. But sometimes it can be too much of a good thing. As you know, the formation of flowers takes a lot out of a plant's strength. If it has produced too many flowers, it may well happen that it simply throws off what is too much. If this is the reason why your Christmas cactus is also losing buds, then you can assume that this process will stop sooner or later and that there will still be enough flowers to enjoy (assuming you continue to care for it correctly).
Also read:Propagate Christmas cactus: 2 simple methods using cuttings